
As per the guidelines of UGC and the Supreme Court an Anti Sexual Harassment Cell has been established by the Central University of Rajasthan to provide a healthy and congenial atmosphere to the staff and students of the University. The cell was constituted to meet the four basic objectives:

a) To develop the guidelines and norms for a policy against sexual harassment.

b) To develop principles and procedures for combating sexual harassment.

c) To work out details for the implementation of the policy.

d) To prepare a detailed plan of action, both short and long term.


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(A) University Complaints Committee (UCC):

The Chairperson, a women nominated by the Vice Chancellor, CURAJ from amongst the faculty members .

Prof. Anjali Sharma


Five members representing various Schools/ Departments/Centers of the University of which at least three shall be women.

Dr. Nishtha Kesswani 

Dr. Kumar Sambhav Pareek 

Dr. Tulsi Giri Goswami

Dr. Savita Andelwar

Dr. Dhananjay Tiwari

Two members from the non-teaching staff, of which at least one should be women.

Ms. Pratima Chattraj

Mr. Manoj Kumar Indoria

Two Students representative of which one be girl student

To be nominated later

Mr. Tanmay Saini, Mathematics

One NGO Representative

Dr. G L Yadav

One Women Counsellor

Dr. Vidhya Patni

Member Secretary and Administrative Suppor

Mr. Manoj Kumar Indoria




Five Years Report of Grievance Readdresal

Contact Us

Dr. Anjali Sharma

Chairperson UCC


Contact No: +91 90791 63413

Lodge Your Complaint

Email: ucc@curaj.ac.in to Lodge Your Complaint