Expression of Interest (EoI) for empanelment of advocates

Notice Inviting Quotations for the work "Maintenance of RO Water Purifiers Installed at various places in the University

Expression of Interest for empanelment of IPR Firms for Services to CURAJ Incubation Foundation

Expression of Interest for empanelment of firm for Registration, Financial, Regulatory, Taxation Services for CURAJ Incubation Foundation and Its Startups

Tender document regarding Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Fabrication of BSL-2 Facility Integrated with Associated Equipments on Turnkey Basis for the ICMR Sponsored Project File No. EMDR/IG/10-2023-0000879

"Supply, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Ductable Type Air Conditioners alongwith Air Ducting and False Ceiling Work in 06 Nos. 125 Seater Seminar Halls of Academic Building No. 4A-3, 4A-4 and 4A-6 at Central University of Rajasthan"