Personal Information

Prof. Sanjib Kumar Panda
M.Sc.(Gold Medalist),M.Phil.,Ph.D.,D.Sc.(Utkal University),JSPS Fellow (JAPAN),BOYSCAST Fellow, University of California, IUSSTF Fellow at OSU, Stillwater & UNC, Chapel Hill, USA JSPS-BRIDGE Fellow, Visiting Professor University of Dusseldorf, Germany
World Top 2% Scientist from India for whole career (PLOS Biology - Stanford University, USA Research) & Single years
Functional Genomics, Genome Editing & Genetic Engineering, Plant Molecular Biology & Biochemistry
Laboratory is currently accepting aspiring post-doctoral fellows under various GOI fellowships (DBT-RA, DST WOS/ DBT-Ramalingaswamy, Dr. D.S. Kothari fellowship etc.) , International fellowship and highly motivated Ph.D students .
- Professor in Biochemistry since 2019 @ Central University of Rajasthan, Ajmer
- Professor in Life Science & Bioinformatics since 2011 @ Assam University (a Central University), Silchar
28 years of Research & Teaching experience in the fields of Life Sciences, Biochemistry & Biotechnology
D.Sc. -Utkal University, Odisha, 2012
Ph.D. in Botany (Plant Biochemistry) - Utkal University, Odisha, 1998
M.Phil.- Utkal University, Orissa,
M.Sc. in Botany (Spl: Plant Biochemistry) from Utkal University, Orissa, (Gold Medalist)
National level Exam: CSIR-UGC NET (1994); GATE (1994)
National Scholarship Holder -1992-94
- International Distinguished Guest Scientist, Hungarian Academy of Sciences,Budapest, Hungary,2024
- JSPS Invitation Professor , Japan,2023
- Visiting Professor, USTM, Meghalaya under Visiting Professor
- International Expert reviewer for NRF, SA, BARD, Israel, UAEA
- Expert Member, Japanese Government Fellowship, Embassy of Japan, India
- Ceplas Visiting Professor, University of Dusseldorf, Germany, 2021-2023
- Royal Society International Visiting Professor, University of Exeter-2021-22
- Extraordinary Professor, Department of Genetics, Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 2019-2022
- Visiting Professor, Universitas Sebalas Maret, Surkarta, Java, Indonesia
- UNESCO-TWAS ASSOCIATESHIP, 2018, National Centre for Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology (BIOTECH) Thailand
- Visiting Professor, Shizuoka University, JAPAN,2018,2019
- Asian Visiting Professor , Chubu Foundation, Shizuoka University, Japan, 2016
- Adjunct Professor, Gifu University, JAPAN
- Visiting Professor, Gifu University, JAPAN, 2015-2016,2016-2017,2017-18,2018-2019
- Visiting Professor , Irkutsk National Research Technical University, RUSSIA
- CEPLAS Guest Visiting Professor, Institute Botanik, University of Dusseldorf, GERMANY, 2015
- Indo-US Science & Technology Forum Fellowship (IUSSTF) , University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA, & Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, USA, 2013-2014.
- INSA-DFG Visiting Scientist, IZMB, University of Bonn, GERMANY, 2013.
- JSPS-BRIDGE Fellowship, Faculty of Applied Biological Sciences, Gifu University, JAPAN, 2011.
- BOYSCAST Fellowship, University of California, Riverside, USA, 2009-2010.
- French Govt. Scholarship, BPMP, Montpollier, FRANCE,2009 (Not availed)
- UGC Visiting Professor, ARI, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Martovasor, HUNGARY, 2009 (not availed)
- JSPS International Fellowship, Institute of Plant Science & Resources, Okayama University, JAPAN, 2003-2005.
- Young Scientist Award, Orissa Botanical Society, INDIA, 1996.
Prof. Sanjib K. Panda obtained his Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees from Utkal University. Bhubaneswar, India. He then followed an active research career in the field of Plant Molecular biology & Functional genomics to understand the mechanisms of stress signal transduction and to develop stress resilient crop plants. He uses functional genomics platforms along with genetic engineering and genome editing technology to decipher stress responses in crop and model plant systems.
Research Guidance
Ph.D- 22 ( Awarded), 6 ( Continuing)
M.Phil. -8 ( Awarded)
Masters- 185 +
Impact Factor- 350+ Citations: 11661, H Index- 61, i10 Index- 129
- Iron biofortification in mungbean through understanding iron homeostasis & CRISPR-Cas gene editing. SPARC- MoE, 2024-26, 2 Crore, PI
- Functional genomics and genome editing for iron biofortification in pigeonpea. DST-DAAD, 2023-25. 7.5 L, PI
- Group Leader- DBT BUILDER Project-4.76 Crore,Central University of Rajasthan (2021-2026)
International (Completed)
- Enhancing drought tolerance–biotechnological approaches, DST-NRF (2016-2019), PI
- Studies on the function of AOX 1 and NDB2 in regulating cold stress in plants, DST-RFBR (2017-19), PI
- Plant probiotics to improve crop production in low nutrient soil,DST-JSPS (2015-2017), Co-PI
- Cloning & Functional........STOP1 in Cowpea, DST-JSPS (2012-2014), PI
- Amino Acid Polymorphisms in the Conserved motifs of HMA Proteins and Heavy Metal Tolerance in Plants, DST-JSPS (2009-11), PI
National (Completed)
- Genome editing of Arginine decarboxylase----------CSIR Project- 2021-2024, PI
- Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) in North Eastern India. Diversity, factors of virus transmission and natural inhibitor. DBT-Twinning, 2018-21, PI
- Genome editing of Arginine decarboxylase----------CSIR Project- 2021-2024
- Functional Genomics for Drought Tolerance in Assam Rice, DBT (2017-2019), PI
- Genome and transcriptome sequencing of aromatic rices from Northeasthern regions, DBT (2016-2019), PI
- Understanding Aluminum stress tolerance in blackgram grown in acid soil of nort-east India, DBT-UNIT OF EXCELLENCE (2016-2019), PI
- Physiological and molecular approaches..... Zinc nanoparticles, DBT (RGYI) (2013-2016), PI
- Bioremediation of -------------- interaction in rhizosphere, DBT (2013-2016), CO-PI
- Functional Proteomics …….dehydration tolerance in north-east rice, DBT (2012-2016), PI
- Cloning & Characterization of HMA4……Brassica, UGC (2012-2015), PI
- Functional characterization of Group 4 LEA……transgenic Brassica, CSIR (2011-2014), PI
- Molecular Cloning and Functional Analysis of a Na+/H+ antiporter gene in Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.Walp), DBT (2007-2012), PI
- Biochemical and Molecular approaches to Drought stress in Tea, NTRF (2006-2010), PI
- Delivered an Invited talk in scientific conference, ISINIP, 2024, DUSSELDORF, Germany
- Delivered an Invited talk in Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Kyoto University, japan, June 30,2023
- Delivered a talk in Cluster of Excellence in Plant Science, University of Dusseldorf, Germany on Feb,24, 2023- Ceplas Friday Speaker
- Delivered Key note Lecture in “Bio22- Bioscience, Big Data & the 4th Industrial Revolution” at Stellenbosch University, South Africa, 24-27 April, 2022
- Attended EMBO workshop on Land plants at NISER, Bhubaneswar in Nov., 2022
- Delivered a talk on “ in the DST-STUTI Programme, at Gauhati University, Guwahati, Assam,7-13 Nov.,2022
- Delivered two Lectures on Biotechnology for Crop Improvement in Refresher Course in Life Sciences, Bharatiar University, Jan.5,2022
- Delivered invited talk on Functional Genomics in International Symposium on Plant Biotechnology Towards Improving Agri-Food Industry and Healthcare Products (ISPB-2021),Oct. 27-30,2021.
- Delivered four Lectures on How to get Successful Research Grants in the Teaching Learning Centre, C U Rajasthan, Jan-Feb.,2021
- Delivered two lectures on Plant Biotechnology in the Refresher course in Biological sciences at HRDC, Gauhati University,19-20 March,2021
- Delivered invited talk on Transcriptomics for Fe excess in National webinar on Advances in Abiotic stress resilience in Crops, July,20th,2021 ANGRAU, SV Agricultural College, Tirupati.
- Invited speaker in International Symposium on “ Biotechnology for food-nutritional security and organic agriculture” DBT-NECAB, AAU, Jorhat, March 25-26, 2020
- Invited speaker in International Conf. Climate Change, Sep.24-25,2020, UNS, Indonesia
- Invited speaker in International Symposium “ A new era in Food Science & technology 2019” , United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Gifu University, Japan, 9-10 Oct.,2019
- Delivered a series of talks on Molecular biology, Biotechnology, Physiology etc. in Faculty of Agriculture, UNS, Surkarta, Indonesia, June, 2019
- Delivered a talk entitled “ Molecular biology & functional genomics----- crop plants” in the National Symposium on Avenues and challenges in Biotechnology Education at Banasthali University, Nov.10, 2019
- Invited Speaker in National Arabidopsis meeting (NAM-2019), Dec. 29-31, 2019 NISER, Odisha Delivered a talk on “Transcriptome Atlas of Aromatic and Non-Aromatic rice of Assam under drought, International Conf. -Shizuoka University, japan, March 6,2019
- Delivered a talk on “Comparative RNA-Seq analysis revealed osmotic stress tolerance mechanisms in the hyper-tolerant indica rice variety in 60th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Plant Physiology March 13-15, 2019
- Invited talk on transcriptomics in International workshop on Plant responses to light and stress: emerging issues in climate change, Oct.10-12 2018, New Delhi, India.
- Attended 6th Round table meeting &International Conference at Gifu University, Japan,
- Delivered three Lectures on Bioenterpreneurship/Biotechnology in Human Resource Development Centre, Gauhati University, Guwahati, Sep.,2018
- Delivered a talk “ Molecular understanding of Aluminum tolerance in Plants” at Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Institute of Plant Physiology & Biochemistry, Irkutsk, Nov.,2018
- Delivered two Lectures on Biotechnology for Crop Improvement in Refresher Course in Life Sciences, Bharatiar University, Jan.5,2022 16-18 Oct.,2018
- Delivered a talk on “ Biotechnology & Functional genomics of abiotic stress tolerance in plants” in the Department of Botany, University o
- Organized National Workshop and Hands on Training on Modern Molecular Techniques in Biology, Department of Life Science & Bioinformatics, Assam University, Silchar, April,25-27, 2012.
- Coordinator, Global Initiative in Academic Network (GIAN), MHRD, Department of Life Science & Bioinformatics, Assam University, Silchar, July 26-30,2016
- Organizing Secy, International Conference in Functional Plant Biology, Assam University, Silchar, Jan 23, 2017
- Organizer of “Enterpreneurship Awareness Camp” for Life Science Department, Assam University, Silchar, Feb.7,2017
- Organizer of “Enterpreneurship Awareness Camp” for Life Science Department, Assam University, Silchar, Feb16, 2017
- Organized “ International Forestry Day” on March, 21, 2017 in the Department of Life Science & Bioinformatics, Assam University, Silchar
- Organising Secy, National Conference on Bioscience & Biotechnology, March 22-23, 2018, Department of Life Science & Bioinformatics, Assam University, Silchar
- Organising Secy, Workshop on Biosafety, May 18,2018, Assam University, Silchar
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