Personal Information

Dr. Chinmay Mallik

Assistant Professor

Ph.D. (PRL, Ahmedabad), Postdoctoral Research (MPIC, Mainz)


  • Atmospheric Chemistry
  • Atmospheric Oxidation and Self-cleansing Mechanisms
  • Air Quality and Air Pollution
  • Atmospheric Trace Gases and Aerosols
  • Clean Air for Planet Earth
  • Space Weather studies

2005-2007: M.Sc. in Atmospheric Sciences from Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India

2008-2013: Ph.D. in Atmospheric Trace Gases from Department of Space & Atmospheric Sciences, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad, India

2014-2019: Postdoctoral research in Atmospheric Oxidation processes from Radical Measurements Group, Max Planck Institute for Chemsitry, Mainz, Germany

2019-present: Assistant Professor in the Department of Atmospheric Science, School of Earth Sciences, Central University of Rajasthan


Fundamentals of Atmosphere, Land and Ocean (3 credits)

Meteorological Applications (3 credits; Agriculture Meteorology, Aviation meteorology, Radar Meteorology)

Advances in Instrumentations related to Atmospheric  Studies (3 credits)

Fundamentals of Earth System Sciences (4 credits)

Cloud Physics and Dynamics (3 credits)

Instrumentation and Data Analysis for Atmospheric Observations (2 credits, lab course)

Physics and Dynamics of the Oceans (1 credit, shared course)

Advances in Instrumentations related to Atmospheric studies (4 credits, elective course)



  • 9th rank in National Eligibility Test  in ‘Earth, Atmospheric, Ocean and Planetary Sciences’.

  • Best Oral Presentation award at National Conference on Scientific and Legal Challenges of Global Warming sponsored by UGC held at Bramhanand College, Kanpur during 25th-26th February, 2008.

  • Visiting position for collaborative work on characterizing global trends in Atmospheric CO with Dr. Prabir Patra at Japan Agency for Marine Science and Technology, Yokohama, Japan during 25 June - 8 Jul, 2017.

  • Designed the OH instrument to make first time high frequency measurements of OH and HO2 at the canopy-atmosphere interface over Amazon Rainforests during the Segregation Experiment in Amazons (SEGAM 2015) during October-November, 2015.

  • Participated in CYPHEX 2014 (Cyprus Photochemistry Experiment) during June-July, 2014 and made measurements of OH and HO2.

  • Designed a Gas Chromatography system enabling documentation of the levels of atmospheric Carbonyl Sulfide and other RSCs for the first time over an Indian location.

  • Keith Runcorn Travel Award for Non-Europeans’ to attend the EGU General Assembly held at Vienna, Austria during 7 – 12 April, 2013.

  • Conducted experiments in a multi-disciplinary Cruise (SK-277) onboard the national flagship ORV Sagar Kanya during 22 October-18 November, 2010 where I measured O3, CO, NOx and C2-C5 NMHCs simultaneously for the first time over the Bay of Bengal

  • Intensely involved in successful set-up of a Land Surface Atmosphere Micrometeorological Observational System (LATAMOS) in BITS, Mesra, Ranchi.

  • Successful installation of a Lightning detector at CURAJ under the ‘Network for Lightning and Thunderstorms in Real Time’ : now CURAJ is part of the global network (
  • Successful installation of a Lightning detector at CURAJ under the IITM Lightning network                                                                                                                         
  • Successful revival of Air Quality Monitoring System (with Automatic Weather Station) as part of development of Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratory at CURAJ 
  • Successful setup of Meteorological Field Observatory at CURAJ
  • Succesful setup of state of art Atmospheric Hydrocarbon Measurement System (Gas Chromatography with Thermal Desorption) as part of development of Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratory at CURAJ
  • Succesful completion of consultancy project (Developing strategic documents for documenting best practices and available nature-based solutions for supporting air pollution mitigation in the South and South-East Asian region) as a Senior National Air Pollution Expert for Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH (GIZ)
  • Established Scientist Travel Support' by EGU to attend the EGU General Assembly held at Vienna, Austria during 14 – 19 April, 2024.
  • International Travel Support' by DST to attend the EGU General Assembly held at Vienna, Austria during 14 – 19 April, 2024.

Jan, 2014


May, 2019


Postdoctoral Researcher in Radical Measurements Group, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany


  • Characterizing Atmospheric Oxidation Pathways using field measurements and modelling

  • Project lead in development and characterization of high frequency HOx instrument based on Laser Induced Fluorescence

  • Development of new instruments, design using CAD software and writing instrument control software using Matlab

  • Development of model code for photochemical box models

  • Guiding Ph.D. students and postdocs

  • A family related break in India during Mar - Aug, 2017

May - Aug, 2017

Research Associate in Environment & Sustain. Dept., Inst. of Minerals & Materials Tech, Bhubaneswar, India

  • Working in ISRO-ATCTM project “Monitoring of Ozone and its precursor trace gases at Bhubaneswar”

  • Analyzing station data for O3 and SO2

  • Writing publications

Aug, 2008


Dec, 2013

Ph.D. Student in

Space & Atmospheric Sciences Div.,

Physical Research Laboratory,

Ahmedabad, India

  • Investigating atmospheric trace gases over the Indian region using in situ measurements and satellite data

  • Conducting field campaigns (land and ocean)

  • Development of a GC system to measure Reduced Sulfur gases

  • Collaboration with other measurement groups under ISRO-ATCTM project and disseminating knowledge regarding trace gas measurement procedures and quality assurance techniques

Apr - July, 2008


Junior Research Fellow in Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India

  • Working in DST project “Pilot study for Physics and Dynamics of Severe Thunderstorms”

  • Investigating the physics and dynamics of thunderstorms using statistical and soft computing techniques

Jul, 2007


Apr, 2008


Junior Research Fellow in Dept. of Applied Mathematics,

Birla Institute of Technology,

Ranchi, India


  • Working in DST project “Observational Study of Land Surface Atmosphere interaction in the Monsoon Trough along its Active Eastern end”

  • Planning and establishment of a Land Surface Atmosphere & Micrometeorological Observational System (LATAMOS)

  • Maintenance of observatory, data collection, developing fortran codes for data archival and analysis

  • Data analysis and writing publications

S. No. Authors Title of Article Journal/Conference Details Journal/Conference Publication Year
1 Mallik, C., et al. Oxidation processes in the Eastern Mediterranean atmosphere: Evidences from the Modelling of HOx Measurements over Cyprus Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics (IF 7.2) Journal 2018
2 Mallik, C., et al. Influence of regional emissions on SO2 concentrations over Bhubaneswar, a capital city in eastern India downwind of the Indian SO2 hotspot Atmospheric Environment (IF 5.7) Journal 2019
3 Panda, S., Mallik, C., et al. A study on variation of atmospheric pollutants over Bhubaneswar during imposition of Nationwide Lockdown in India for the COVID-19 pandemic Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health (IF 5.8) Journal 2020
4 Mallik, C., et al. Effect of lockdown on pollutant levels in the Delhi megacity: Role of local emission sources and chemical lifetimes Frontiers in Environmental Science - Atmosphere and Climate (IF 5.4) Journal 2021
5 Patel, A., Mallik, C., et al. Revisiting regional and seasonal variations in decadal carbon monoxide variability: Global reversal of growth rate Science of the Total Environment (IF 9.8) Journal 2023


  • “Understanding atmospheric ammonia near its global hotspot region” - UGC Start-up Grant (10.0 lacs, Sanction. No F.30-528/2020 (BSR) dated 29-07-2021)
  • Investigation of natural and anthropogenic hydrocarbons over arid and semi-arid regions in western India: Implications to atmospheric oxidation, agriculture and climate” - DST-SERB (33.0 lacs, Sanction no SRG/2020/001006 dated 3 Dec 2020)
  • "Atmospheric Chemistry studies in semi-arid environments with intermittent influences of anthropogenic emissions and desert dust ” - ISRO GBP:ATCTM (34.82 lacs, Sanction: ISRO-GBP ATCTM letter dated 8 June 2022)

Consultancy (₹ xx lacs, not to be disclosed):

1. Senior Air Pollution Consultant for Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

  • Best Practices and available Nature-based Solutions for supporting Air Pollution mitigation in the South and South-East Asian region



  • “Regional characterization of atmospheric aerosols at a semi-arid region in Rajasthan” - ISRO-ARFI 


2 Ph.D. positions are currently available. Position can be supported from ISRO funded grants for promising candidates who have not yet qualified NET-JRF but qualify the interview for project position. Oppurtunity to work with advanced instruments/models in collaboration with ISRO and CSIR labs as well as foreign labs.

Current Ph.D. students:

Ms. Soniya Yadav (registered at CURAJ on 28 October 2021, UGC JRF)

Ms. Monalin Mishra (registered at CSIR-IMMT on 16 August 2022, co-guided by me)

Ms. Varsha Ganguly (registered at CURAJ on 27 February 2024, PA in ISRO-GBP: AT-CTM project)


Atmospheric Chemistry Laboratory with:

DST SERB startup grant: GC-TD-FID for VOCs in ambient air

ISRO GBP AT-CTM project: NOy analyzer, O3 analyzer

CURAJ seed grant: Portable O3 analyzer

UGC BSR Grant: PM sampler, Portable NH3 analyzer, Handheld aenomometer

NEERI collaboration: PM sampler

PRL Ahmedabad collaboration: GNSS receiver for Space Weather Studies



2019 onwards....                                                                                                                           

  1. Oral presentation at International Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics in Highly Polluted Environments The CIAAS at IIT Delhi, 22-24 March 2019, Delhi, India. "OH measurements as a tool to understand atmospheric chemistry and air mass processing: A case study for the eastern Mediterranean"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
  2. Invited talk at CORAL, IIT Kharagpur  on 20 March 2019  Host: Dr. Mihir Dash                                                                                                                                                                                                        
  3. Invited talk at IITM, Pune  on 26 March 2019 "Atmospheric pollutants and cleansers" Host: Dr. S Fadnavis                                                                            
  4. Presenter at Scientific Fair for children and families in the townhall of Nieder Olm 30.3.019
  5. Poster presentation at EGU, Vienna "Hydroperoxyl radical measurements at the canopy-atmosphere interface in the Amazon rainforest" on 09.04.2019 and served as OSPP judge  
  6. Selected to attend (but could not go)  the prestigious Meeting on Atmospheric Chemistry Gordon Research Conference during July 28- August 02, 2019 @Newry, ME United States                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           
  7. Oral presentation on topic "Understanding the distribution of atmospheric sulfur over the Indian region” during February 12-14, 2020 in URSI-RCRS-2020 at IIT (BHU), Varanasi.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
  8. Successfully completed online course on topic "Remote Sensing and GIS Technology and Applications for University Teachers and Government Officials” conducted by IIRS, ISRO, Dehradun during June 13- 1 July, 2020  (Quiz score 83%)                                                                                                                                                              
  9. Invited talk at National webinar on “Climate Change: Challenges and Prospects” on 18th September, 2020 organized by Department of Geography, in collaboration with IQAC of Dukhulal Nibaran Chandra College, Murshidabad. Title "Climate Research in the Amazons"                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
  10. Invited talk at 2-day Virtual skill workshop on “Techniques to study ambient aerosols and their impact on urban air quality” on 12-13 th January, 2021 conducted at CSIR-IMMT, Bhubaneswar under the Government of India skill initiative program. Title "Trace gases in ambient air-Indian subcontinent perspective: importance of the analytical techniques"                                                                                                                                                           
  11.  Successfully completed Induction Training Program for Faculty Members of HEIs with 'A grade' organised by Central University of Rajasthan during 20th January - 16th February, 2021
  12.  Successfully completed Inter-disciplinary Refresher Course on  'Advanced Research Methodology'  with 'A+ grade' organised by Ramanujan College, University of Delhi during 22nd March - 5th April, 2022
  13.  Talk at 3rd International  COS workshop on 19-21 September, 2022 conducted by Wageningen University, Utrecht, the Netherlands. Title “COS
    measurements in western India"   
  14.  Successfully completed 39th GAWTEC training program (Fully Sponsored) on  'Reactive Trace Gases'  organised by Environmental Research Station Schneefernerhaus, Germany during 19-30 September, 2022
  15.  Invited talk at 2-day International Conference on 'Aerosols, Air Quality, and Climate Change (AAC-2022)' on 4-6 NOvember, 2022 conducted by HNB Garhwal Central University, Uttarakhand. Title "Implications of Hydrocarbon Oxidation on Air Quality, Aerosol Formation and Climate"
  16.  Successfully completed Inter-disciplinary Refresher Course on  'Managing Online Classes & Co-creating MOOCS'  with 'A+ grade' organised by Ramanujan College, University of Delhi during 5 - 19 December, 2023   
  17. Oral/PICO presentation on topic "The see-saw relationship of air pollution with climate: novel challenges to urban ecosystems​” during April 14-19, 2024 in EGU 2024 at EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria.
  18. Invited as an expert for  2nd National Consultation Workshop on Legal Environmental Assessment for Air Pollution and Health during 23 September 2024 organised by the Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati funded and supported by UNDP India.


Organised workshop 'Industry-Academia Connect' during 10-11 February, 2023 at Central University of Rajasthan, India

Conducted 1 day One-Day Research Training Programme under the SERB-DST project (SRG/2020/001006) at Department of Atmospheric Science, Central University of Rajasthan on 'Analysis of Atmospheric Hydrocarbons using GC-FID-TD System' attended by 14 participants including students from CURAJ, RK Patni College, Kishangarh and Hindu College, Delhi University