Personal Information

Dr. Sanjay Kumar
Ph.D. (Statistics, B.H.U), NET (JRF), P.G. (Statistics, B.H.U), U.G. (Statistics, B.H.U)
- Sampling Theory
- Statistical Inference
- Multivariate Statistical Analysis
Educational Qualification
- Ph. D. (Statistics): Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, U.P.
- Post-Graduation (Statistics, First Div.): Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, U.P.
- Graduation (Statistics, First Div.): Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, U.P.
- Intermediate (Science-Mathematics, First Div.): B.I.E.C., Patna, Bihar.
- Matriculation (Maths, Phy, Che, Bio, Civ, His, Geo, Eng, Hindi, and Compulsory- Advanced Mathematics, First Div.): B.S.E.B., Patna, Bihar.
Teaching Experience
Twelve years of teaching experience in the Department of Statistics, Central University of Rajasthan.
Following are some of the papers which I have taught during this period:
Delivered an invited talk on the paper entitled "Modified predictive ratio and product type estimators under non-normality" in a 4th national Conference organized by the Rajasthan Statistical Association & Dept. of Lifelong Learning & Dept. of Statistics", University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan during 1-2 March, 2021.
Delivered one lecture as a resource person in a National level Refresher Course on "Statistical Tools and Techniques for Analysis of Agricultural Data for the teachers and scientists of SAUs" organized by AAREM in collaboration with Department of Mathematics and Statistics, CCSHAU, Hisar, during 8-28 July, 2020.
Delivered Expert Talk from 28/11/2015-01/12/2015 on "Sampling Theory" in the Dept. of Statistics, Central University of Haryana
TOTAL PUBLICATIONS (26): Published: 25, Accepted: 01, Citation: 181, H-Index: 08, I-10 Index: 08
Kumar S. and Chhaparwal, P. (2023): Estimation of population mean in the presence of non-response for time-based surveys. Thailand Statiscian (Accepted)
Dashora, M., Kumar, A., Kumar, S., et al. (2022): Geochemical assessment of groundwater in a desertic region of India using chemometric analysis and entropy water quality index (EWQI). Nat. Hazards, 112:747–782.
Kumar S., Kumar, S. and Oral, E. (2021): Robust ratio- and product-type estimators under non-normality via linear transformation using certain known population parameters, Annals of Data Science, 8(4), 733-753.
Kumar S. and Chhaparwal, P. (2021): A Simple Random Sampling Modified Dual to Product Estimator for estimating Population Mean Using Order Statistics. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, vol. 19(1), article 10.
Kumar S. (2020): Monitoring Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) Infections in India by Cluster Analysis. Annals of Data Science, 7(3), 417-425.
Kumar S. and Chhaparwal, P. (2019): Ratio- and Product-Based Estimators Using Known Coefficient of Variation of The Auxiliary Variable via Modified Maximum Likelihood. Life Cycle Reliability and Safety Engineering, (doi:, 8(2), 99-116.
Kumar S. and Tiwari, N. (Accepted, 2018): Generalized two-phase sampling naïve ratio and product type estimators for estimating population mode. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods.
Kumar S., Maheshwari, P. & Chhaparwal, P. (2017): An improved regression type estimator to estimate population mean under non-normality in simple random sampling. Journal of Statistics and Management System, 20:6, 1035-1050.
Kumar S. and Kumar, S. (2016): Robust ratio based and product based estimators for population mean using median of the auxiliary variable and modified maximum likelihood. Journal of Basic and Applied Research International, 19(1): 48-61.
Kumar S. and Chhaparwal, P. (2016): A robust dual to ratio estimator for population mean through modified maximum likelihood in simple random sampling, Journal of Applied Probability & Statistics, 11 (2), 67-82.
Kumar S. and Chhaparwal, P. (2016): A robust unbiased dual to product estimator for population mean through modified maximum likelihood in simple random sampling. Cogent Mathematics, 3: 1168070.
Kumar S. and Chhaparwal, P. (2016): A generalized multivariate ratio and regression type estimator for population mean using a linear combination of two auxiliary variables. Sri Lankan Journal of Applied Statistics, 17(1), 19-37.
Kumar S. and Chhaparwal, P. (2015): A class of chain ratio-product type estimators for population mean under double sampling scheme in the presence of non-response. Elixir Statistics, 84, 33753-33764.
Khare, B. B. & Kumar, S. (2015): Generalised chain ratio-in-regression estimators for population mean using two-phase sampling in the presence of non-response, Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, 36:4, 317-338.
Khare, B. B. & Kumar, S. (2015) Chain Ratio-to-Regression Estimators in Two-Phase Sampling in The Presence of Non-response, ProbStat Forum, 8: 95-102.
Khare, B. B. & Kumar, S. (2011): Estimation of population mean using known coefficient of variation of the study character in the presence of non-response. Communication in Statistics-Theory and Methods, Vol. 40 (11), 2044-2058.
Kumar, K, Kumar, S. & Kumar, S. (2022): New efficient estimators for population mean using doubling sampling scheme in sample surveys. Bulletin of Mathematics and Statistics Research, 10 (4), 75-81.
Chhaparwal, P. and Kumar S. (2022): Improving Efficiencies of Ratio- and Product-type Estimators for Estimating Population Mean for Time-based Survey, Journal of Reliability and Statistical Studies, Vol. 15, Issue 1 (2022), 325–340. doi: 10.13052/jrss0974-8024.15113
Kumar S. (2020): Use of cluster analysis to monitor novel coronavirus-19 infections in Maharashtra, India. Indian J Med Sci. 72(2), 44-48.
Kumar, K & Kumar, S. (2020): Two phase sampling exponential type estimators for population mean using auxiliary attribute in the presence of non-response. International Journal of Mathematics and Statistics. 21(1), 75-85.
Kumar S. and Tiwari, N. (2019): Generalized naïve ratio and product based estimators for estimating population mode in simple random sampling. International Journal of Statistics and Economics, 20 (1), 57-79.
Kumar S. and Chhaparwal, P. (2017): Robust exponential ratio and product type estimators for population mean using order statistics in simple random sampling. International Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics, 38(3): 51-70.
Khare, B. B. & Kumar, S. (2011): A generalised chain ratio type estimator for population mean using coefficient of variation of the study variable. Natl. Acad. Sci. Lett., India, Vol. 34, (9 &10), 353-358.
Khare, B. B. & Kumar, S. (2010): Chain regression type estimators using additional auxiliary variable in two phase sampling in the presence of non-response. Natl. Acad. Sci. Lett., India Vol. 33 (11 & 12), 369-375.
Khare, B. B. & Kumar, S. (2010): Utilization of coefficient of variation in the estimation of population mean using auxiliary character in the presence of non-response. Natl. Acad. Sci. Lett., India, Vol. 32, No. (7 & 8), 235-241.
Khare, B. B. & Kumar, S. (2009): Transformed two phase sampling ratio and product type estimators for population mean in the presence of non-response. Aligarh J. Stat., Vol. 29, 91-106.
Kumar S. & Chhaparwal, P. (2020): Use of data mining technique to monitor novel coronavirus (covid-19) infections in Gujarat, India. International Journal of Information Technology.
Kumar S. (2020): Assessment of covid-19 pandemic in the top 15 affected countries in the world using data mining techniques. Frontiers of Medicine.
Kumar S., Chhaparwal, P. and Kumar, S. (2020): Robust Ratio and Product Based Estimators Using Known auxiliary information through Modified Maximum Likelihood, Afrika Matematika (Submitted)
Research Guidance
RESEARCH GUIDANCE: M.SC. Major Project: Awarded: 26
Ph.D. Students: Awarded: 03, On-going: 02
- Life member of “Society of Statistics, Computers and Applications (SSCA)”.
S. No. | Authors | Title of Article | Journal/Conference Details | Journal/Conference | Publication Year |
1 | Kumar S. and Chhaparwal, P. (2023): Estimation of population mean in the presence of non-response for time-based surveys. Thailand Statistician (Accepted) | Thailand Statistician | 2023 |
M. Sc./ M. A. Statistics (IV SEM.) & Integrated M. Sc. Statistics (X SEM.)
Sonali Kumari (2022): Memory type dual to ratio and product estimators for population mean for time based surveys .
Rahul Ratan (2022): A two parameter ratio-product-ratio estimator for the population mode in simple random sampling
Ashish Kumar (2022): Improved type estimator for Estimating population mean in The presence of correlated measurement error
Prashant Kumar (2022): Generalized ratio - and product - type estimators for Population mean in time-based survey
Karan Saini (2021) Improved ratio and product type estimators using auxiliary information for estimating population mode in two-phase sampling
Chandra Mani Prasad (2021): Enhanced ratio and product type estimators for estimating population mode using auxiliary information in simple random sampling
Yogesh Pandiya (2021): Ratio- and Product- Type Estimators for Population Mean using Auxiliary Information in the Presence of Correlated Measurement error Mohammed
Afreed K (2021): Predictive ratio and product type Estimators for population mean using Auxiliary information in the Presence of correlated measurement Error
Pawan Meena (2020): Improved type estimators of population mode using transformed auxiliary information in two-phase sampling
Harshit Kumar Alawat (2019): Transformed ratio and product based estimators for population mean using auxiliary variable in the presence of correlated measurement errors.
Anita Choudhary (2019): Improved ratio – and product- type estimators for population mode using transformed auxiliary variable in simple random sampling.
Ashita Laddha (2019): Improved ratio and product type estimator of population mode using transformed auxiliary information in two phase sampling.
Divya Senger (2019): Predictive ratio and product type estimator for population mean in the presence of correlated measurement errors.
Komal Shekhawat (2018): Exponentiated modified Weibull extension-Poisson distribution: model, properties and applications.
Shruti Chalia (2018): Ratio, Product and Ratio-Cum Product Type Estimators For Estimating Population Mean Based on A Ranked Set Sample In A Finite Population Setting.
Shreya Sharma (2018): Estimation of Parameters in the Exponentiated Modified Weibull Extension (EMWE) Distribution Based on Ranked Set Sampling.
Madan Lal Jat (2018): Two-phase Sampling with Ranked Set Sampling in the Second Phase with Non-response: Analytical Results and Monte Carlo Experiences.
Srayasi Prakash (2017): Predictive exponential ratio-type and product –type estimators for population mean in the presence of non-response.
Nitika Dhariwal (2017): Inference from the gamma extended Weibull model with applications to bladder cancer data.
Poonam (2017): A ratio–product ratio estimators for estimating population mean under simple random sampling in the presence of non- response and measurement error.
Saraswati Prajapat (2016): A class of chain ratio-product type estimators for population mean under double sampling scheme in the presence of non-response.
Anshul Soni (2016): A generalized difference cum ratio type estimator for estimating population mean under two-phase sampling scheme.
Rukhsana Mansoori (2016): Generalized Multivariate ratio type estimators for population mean using a linear combination of two auxiliary variables in the presence of non-response.
Madan lal Jat, Hansraj Bagariya, Shruti Chalia and Sangeeta Choudhary (2016): Generalized chain estimation for population mean using auxiliary variables in the presence of non-response and measurement error.
Prachi Maheshwari (2015): A robust regression type estimator for estimating population mean in simple random sampling.
Meghna Sachdev (2015): A two phase sampling ratio-product ratio type estimation for estimating population mean in the presence of non-response.
Priyanka Chhaparwal (2014): A Class Of Chain Ratio-Product Type Estimators For Population Mean Under Double Sampling Scheme In The Presence Of Non-Response.
Participated and presented a paper “A generalised difference cum ratio type estimator for estimating population mean under two-phase sampling scheme” in VIII International Symposium on Statistics and Optimization organized by Department of Statistics & Operation Research, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, U. p. during December 17-19, 2016.
Participated and presented a paper “A Two-Phase Sampling Ratio-Product-Ratio Estimator for Estimating Population Mean In The Presence of Non-Response” in VIII International Symposium on Statistics and Optimization organized by Department of Statistics & Operation Research, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, U. p. during December 17-19, 2016.
Participated and presented a paper "A generalised ratio and regression type estimator for population mean using a linear combination of two auxiliary variables" in international Conference on "Optimization, Computing and Business Analysis for Sustainable Development 2015" organized by the Deptt. Of Mathematics, CURAJ, Ajmer, Rajasthan during 20-22 Feb, 2015.
Participated and presented a paper "A chain ratio-product type estimators for population mean under double sampling scheme in the presence of non response" in international Conference on "Optimization, Computing and Business Analysis for Sustainable Development 2015" organised by the Deptt. Of Mathematics, CURAJ, Ajmer, Rajasthan during 20-22 Feb, 2015.
Participated and presented a paper "A generalised chain ratio type estimator for population mean using coefficient of variation of the study variable" in International Conference on "New Trends in Life Testing, Bayesian Inference, Sampling Theory, Bio-Statistics, Bio-Informatics and Computer Applications" organised by the Deptt. of Statistics, Banaras Hindu University, during 5-8 January, 2011.
Participated and presented a paper entitled “Transformed two phase sampling ratio and product type estimators for population mean in the presence of non-response” in VI International Symposium on Optimization and Statistics (ISOS-2008) held at AMU, Aligarh during Dec.29- Dec31/2008.
- Delivered an invited talk on the paper entitled "Modified predictive ratio and product type estimators under non-normality" in a 4th national Conference organized by the Rajasthan Statistical Association & Dept. of Lifelong Learning & Dept. of Statistics", University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan during 1-2 March, 2021.
- Delivered one lecture as a resource person in a National level Refresher Course on "Statistical Tools and Techniques for Analysis of Agricultural Data for the teachers and scientists of SAUs" organized by AAREM in collaboration with Department of Mathematics and Statistics, CCSHAU, Hisar, during 8-28 July, 2020.
- Delivered Expert Talk from 28/11/2015-01/12/2015 on "Sampling Theory" in the Dept. of Statistics, Central University of Haryana.
Participated and presented a paper "Generalized naïve ratio and product based estimators in simple random sampling" in a national Conference on "Statistics for humanities and Social Sciences: Recent Trends & Advancements" organised by the Rajasthan Statistical Association & Dept. of Lifelong Learning”, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Rajasthan during 15-16 January, 2018.
Participated and presented a paper "Chain ratio-product type estimators for population mean under two-phase sampling scheme in the presence of non response " in a national Conference on "Emerging trends in Mathematics and its applications in engineering (NCETMAAE)" organised by the Dept. of Mathematics”, Mewar University, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan. during 08-09 January, 2016.
Participated and presented a paper " A class of chain ratio-product type estimators for population mean under double sampling scheme in the presence of non response " in a national Conference on "Use of Statistics in industry and corporate world (NSSICW)" organised by the Dept. of Statistics”, BHU, Varanasi, U.P. during 25-26 Oct., 2015.
Participated and presented a paper "Transformed two-phase sampling ratio and product type estimators in the presence of non response" in V national Conference on "Statistical Inference, Sampling Techniques and Related Areas" organised by the Deptt. of Statistics & Operation Research”, AMU, Aligarh, U.P. during 24-25 March, 2015.
Participated and presented a paper " A class of chain ratio-product type estimators for population under double sampling scheme in the presence of non response " in V national Conference on "Statistical Inference, Sampling Techniques and Related Areas" organised by the Dept. of Statistics & Operation Research”, AMU, Aligarh, U.P. during 24-25 March, 2015.
Participated and presented a paper entitled “Generalized Chain Ratio-in-Regression Estimators Using Two-Phase Sampling in the presence of non-response” in IV national conference on Statistical Inference, sampling Techniques & related Areas held at AMU, Aligarh, under DRS-I (SAP) U.G.C., during Feb.18- 19/2014.
Participated and presented a paper "A generalised chain ratio type estimator for population mean using coefficient of variation of the study variable" in 15th Annual Conference of Society of Statistics Computer and Applications (February 24-26, 2013)" organised by the Deptt. of Mathematics and Statistics, Banasthali Vidyapeeth, Rajasthan, during 24-26 Feb., 2013.
Participated and presented a paper "Generalised chain ratio-in-regression estimators using two phase sampling in the presence of non response" in national Conference on "Applied Statistics and its Applications 2013 (CASA 2013)" organised by the Deptt. Of Applied Statistics, BBAU, Lucknow, during 16-17 March, 2013.
Participated in the workshop on “Statistical Modeling using Softwares” held in the Deptt. of Applied Statistics, BBAU, Lucknow during March 14-15, 2013.
Participated in the International Symposium on “Game theory: Teaching & Applications” held in the department of Management, Central University of Rajasthan, Kishangarh, Ajmer, on 16th December, 2011.
Participated in the Winter School on " Statistical Estimation and Modeling: Topics on Least Square Methods & Ill-Conditioned Inverse Problems in Imaging, Natural Language Processing & Information Retrieval, and Speech Processing" held in the DST-Centre for Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences, BHU, during Feb. 02-15, 2011.
Participated in the training Program on “Latex and other open source software” held in DST-CIMS, Department of Statistics, Banaras Hindu University, during February 10- February 17, 2009.
Participated in the workshop “Advanced training program (ATP) on Bayesian Statistics and Computation” held in the Deptt. of Statistics, BHU during Feb. 18- Mar. 1, 2008.
Participated in the workshop cum Training program on “Stochastic models and Their applications” held in the Deptt. Of Statistics, BHU during Sep. 22- Oct. 4, 2008.
Participated in the Symposium and workshop “Statistical methods in computational Biology” held in Mahila Mahavidyalaya, BHU during Dec. 28-29, 2007.
Participated in the Seminar “Indian Association for the Study of Population” held in the Deptt. Of Statistics, BHU during Oct. 26-28, 2007.
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