Personal Information

Dr. Ravi Saharan
Assistant Professor
PhD, M.Tech. (Computer Engineering) from MNIT Jaipur, B.E. (CSE) with Honors from University of Rajasthan
- Information securitiy
- Theoritical computer science
- Algorithms & Computer Graphics
- Image processing
- Database managment systems
Current position:- Assistant Professor in Dept of CSE at Central University of Rajasthan
Previous position:- Asssitant Professor at Govt. Enginnering College, Bikaner, Rajasthan
Ph,D from Central University of Rajasthan
M.Tech Computer Engineering from Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur
GATE 2007, GATE 2008
B.Tech Computer Engineering from University of Rajasthan, Jaipur.
Research area are
- Information securitiy
- Blockchain technology
- Theoritical computer science
- Algorithms & Computer Graphics
- Image processing
S. No. | Authors | Title of Article | Journal/Conference Details | Journal/Conference | Publication Year |
1 | R Saharan, R Prasad | Blockchain Technology for Healthcare Data | Advances in Soft computing, Springer | Journal | 2021 |
2 | R Saharan, SK Panda | Identification of Potential Forensic Artifacts in Cloud Storage Application | IEEE, International Conference on Computer Science, Engineering and Applications (ICCSEA) | Conference | 2020 |
3 | Ravi Saharan | Blockchain Technology in counterfeit Elimination | Recent Innovations & Applications in Multidisciplinary Scientific Research(ICRIAMSR) | Conference | 2023 |
4 | Ravi Saharan, Nishtha Kesswani | Facial Emotional Recognition using static images of a Crowdy Scenario | 6th International Conference on "Emerging Technologies in Computer Engineering: Industrial IOT and Cyber Physical System" | Conference | 2023 |
Expert Talk/ Invited Lectures/ Session Chair
- Invited lecture: “Digital Learning and Teaching : Technology Tools for Online Content” in AICTE-ISTE sponsored Faculty Refresher Programme on “Modern Pedagogy for Engineering Teachers in Making Digital India” from 14th to 19th Dec 2020, conducted in virtual mode by Bhartiya Institute of Engineering & Technology, Sikar.
- Session Chair: “Computer Vision” in Congress on Intelligent Systems (world conference in virtual format) held online Organized by Soft Computing Research Society on September 05‐06, 2020 in India.
- Invited Lecture: “Tools to take lecture/content online”, in Orientation Session for Online Teaching Learning conducted by Central University of Rajasthan, on 13th July 2020.
- Session Chaired (Sustainable Computing) in “International Conference on Sustainable Computing in Science, Technology and Management SUSCOM-2020”, Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur, India, January 20 - 22, 2020.
- Chaired a session and delivered an Invited lecture on “Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability ” in International Conference on Sustainable Computing in Science, Technology and Management (SUSCOM-2019), Amity University Jaipur, February 2019.
Workshop/STP/FDP attended
- Two week FDP on Deep Learning in Image Processing and Pattern recognition, Dept of Computer Science, Central University of Rajasthan, 13.3.2023 to 22.3.2023.
- One week online FDP on NEP 2020: Impetus for Life Skills and Holistic Development, TLC at CURAJ from 1.3.2021 to 5.3.2021.
- One week online FDP on Role of education and corporate sector in making new india, RTU (ATU) TEQIP-III from 5.2.2021 to 9.2.2021.
- One week online FDP on EDA tools in the field of engineering, RTU (ATU) TEQIP-III from 18.1.2021 to 22.1.2021.
- One week online interdisciplinary Short Term Course in Basics of Organic Farming, IQAC at Athalye-Sapre-Pitre College (Autonomous), Devrukh, Dist: Ratnagiri, Maharashtra from 31.5.20 to 6.6.20
- Organising member of Two week FDP on Deep Learning in Image Processing and Pattern recognition, Dept of Computer Science, Central University of Rajasthan, 13.3.2023 to 22.3.2023.
- Ten Days Online Faculty Development Program on “Indian Ethos In Management”, Central University of Rajasthan, January 4-14, 2021.
- Member of organised committee in One Day Workshop on “Linguistics and Language Sciences: A Quantifying Approach”, Central University of Rajasthan, 19 February, 2020.
- One day National workshop on Intel HPC Code Modernization (parallelization) workshop series 2015 on 24th August 2015.
- Two Week ISTE STTP on Introduction to Design of Algorithms May 25 to 30 , 2015 coordinated by IITKharagpur.
- Special lectures on Computing Basics, Trends in Computer Science, Introduction to Digital Components, Algorithms & Complexity, Computer Organization & Architecture, Formal Language & Automata Theory, RISC Architecture, Digital Circuits, Prolog lab, Multicore and optimization, 3D Animation, Internet Security & hacking, Data Mining and Application,Current Industrial Trends and Motivation, Intelligent Buildings, Concepts of Operating System,Neural Network, Evolutionary Computing etc. from 2010-2012.
- Workshop on “Recent Advances in the field of Computer” at Central University of Rajasthan on 15th to 17th Dec.2010
- Workshop on Basics of Computer & Internet at Central University of Rajasthan on 28th to 30th Sep .2010.