Constitution of IQAC

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Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC): The Committee for the Academic Session 2024-25 is constituted as under:


Vice Chancellor

One of the Senior Faculty/Coodrinator/Director-IQAC

Prof. Rajesh Kumar

Teacher to represent all levels

All the Deans of the Schools of Studies (Ex-officio)

Prof. Neeraj Gupta

Dr. Jay Kant Yadav

Dr. Sunil Sharma

One Member form Management

Prof. Rajiv Saxena, EC Member

Senior Administrative Member


Finance Officer

Controller of Examination

Director (Research & Development Cell)

One nominee

  1. Local Society
  2. Student
  3. Alumni
  4. One nominee from the employers/ industrialist/stakeholders (to be taken fromTPO)

Shri Laxman Singh Ji

To be nominated later

To be nominated later

To be nominated later

Administrative Support

Ms. Ashita and Mr. Nitesh Jain

Annual Quality Assurance Report