Personal Information

Prof. Pankaj Goyal
M.Sc. Biotechnology; M.Tech. Biotechnology; Ph.D. (Human Biology; University of Munich (LMU), Munich, Germany),CSIR- UGC NET JRF; ASRB-NET; GATE
- Cell siganling and Human Diseases
- Placental Development and Pregnancy Disorder
- Development of Disease models using Genome editing tools
- Ph.D. in Human Biology with Suma-cum-laude (Excellent thesis) form Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich, Germany.
- M.Tech. Biotechnology, (First Honors), Lucknow University
- M.Sc. Biotechnology from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
- B.Sc. Chemistry (Hons) from Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed University), Dayalbah, Agra
Professonal Experiences
2010-2013: Group leader and Senior Postdoctoral Fellow
Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany.
2007-2010: FöFoLe Junior Project leader & Postdoctoral Fellow
Institute for Prevention of Cardiovascular diseases, University of Munich (LMU), Germany.
2005-2007: Postdoctoral fellow
Institute for Prevention of Cardiovascular diseases, LMU, Germany.
- Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in GRK438 “Vascular Biology in Medicine”, German research council (DFG), LMU, Munich, Germany.
- Pre-doctoral Research Fellowships in Graduate Program 438 “Vascular Biology in Medicine”, DFG, LMU, Germany.
- Senior Research Fellowship from CSIR, Govt. of India.
- CSIR-JRF Fellowship CSIR, Govt. of India.
- Postgraduate fellowship (GATE) Resource Govt. of India.
- M.Sc. Fellowship, Dept. of Biotechnology, Govt. of India.
1. Targeting malaria through host pathways: Dissecting the role of host serine/threonine kinase STK35L1 in parasite infection and growth.
STK35L1(also known as STK35, CLIK1), a nuclear serine/threonine protein kinase, interacts with CLP-36, a PDZ-LIM protein, and actin stress fibers and regulates actin cytoskeleton dynamics. A kinome-wide RNAi screening revealed that STK35L1 was among the top five hits responsible for hepatocyte infection by Plasmodium berghei sporozoites. To our knowledge, this is one of the few kinases to be identified and plays a vital role in Plasmodium infection. We previously recharacterized the genomic locus of STK35 and named the protein STK35L1. We reported that STK35L1 interacts with nuclear actin, regulates the expression of crucial cell cycle genes, including CDKN2A, and inhibits the G1 to S-phase transition. Previously, my lab showed that STK35L1 is essential for endothelial cell migration and angiogenesis. Another study shows that STK35 (STK35L1) stimulates caspase-independent cell death in oxidative stress conditions. STAT3 regulates the expression of STK35L1 in osteosarcoma, and STAT3 plays an essential role in the pathogenesis of malaria. These studies suggest that STK35L1 might regulate the actin dynamics and cell cycle genes such as CDKN2A during Plasmodium sporozoite invasion and egress in hepatocytes and control the pathogenesis of Plasmodium infection. The project's main objective is to discover the molecular mechanism; how STK35L1 regulates the Plasmodium sporozoite infection and growth in hepatocytes. This work will lead to deciphering the role of STK35L1 in hepatocyte infection and intra-hepatocytic parasite development. (Funded by ICMR, India)
2. Deciphering the role of amyloidogenic cofilins in the brain under pathological conditions including energy inhibition and oxidative stress: relevance to Alzheimer's Disease
Cofilin, an actin-dynamizing protein, regulates actin cytoskeleton dynamics by polymerizing or depolymerizing actin in eukaryotic cells. Various studies showed that actin-cofilin rods play a role in neurodegenerative diseases, e.g., by disturbing microtubules, leading to degeneration of neurites and loss of synapses. ATP depletion, oxidative stress, Amyloid-ß (Aß), and mitochondrial dysfunction induce the formation of actin-cofilin rods that recruit the phosphorylated microtubule-associated protein (Tau) to form neurofibrillary tangles in Alzheimer’s pathology. It remains unclear if these rods result in neurodegeneration or are just produced as by-products.
We and others have reported that cofilin exists in monomeric and oligomeric forms by forming inter-molecular disulfide bonds in vitro and in endothelial cells. Recently, we have deciphered that cofilin-1 (non-muscle form) can develop higher-order fibrillar amyloids in vitro. We and others reported that the muscle isoform cofilin-2 also forms amyloid-like fibrils in vitro. Cofilin amyloids have the potential to cross-seed and promote the aggregation of other globular proteins and amino acids, suggesting their ability to aggravate the etiology of amyloid-linked diseases involving hetero-aggregation of proteinaceous species. These studies give us a clue that energy decline and cofilin amyloidogenesis, and mitochondrial dysfunction have a plausible link in the pathophysiology of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s disease.
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I gratefully acknowledge the financial supports provided by the following funding organizations:
Science and Engineering Research Board
Statutory Body Established through an Act of Parliament: SERB Act 2008
Government of India
1. Project Title: Deciphering the role of amyloidogenic cofilins in the brain under pathological conditions, including energy inhibition and oxidative stress: relevance to Alzheimer's Disease. Amount: 70 Lacs (2023-25).
2. Tilte: International Conference on Molecular Basis of Diseases and Therapeutics (ICMBDT)- 2019. Amount: 1.5 Lacs (2019).
3. Project Tiltel: Creation of ABSL3 facility at CURAJ underRajasthan Biocluster for infectious diseases,therapeutics and diagnostics (Co-PI) Amount: 960 Lacs (2022-26).
Additional Support:
- SERB NPDF program for Dr. Indu Shekhawat ( Amount: 19.2 lacs).
- SERB NPDF program for Dr. Vijay Kumar. ( Amount: 19.2 lacs).
- DST-WoS-A grant for Dr. Depika Goyal. ( Amount: 28.9 lacs).
Central Pollution Control Board
4. Project Title: "Random Verification of Annual Inventory on Hazardous Waste Management" Amount: 4.5 Lacs (2021-22).
5. 1. Project Title: DBT BUILDER- Central University of Rajasthan interdisciplinary life Science program foradvance research and education. Translational Genomics for plants, agriculture, andbiomedical applications (Group Leader II). Amount: 460 Lacs (2021-25).
6. Project Title: How lysophospholipids (lysophosphatidic acidand sphingosine-1-phosphate) metabolicpathways regulate placental developmentduring pregnancy maintenance. Amount: 49.48 Lacs (2017-21).
7. Project Title: Targeting malaria through host pathways:Dissecting the role of host serine/threoninekinase (STK35L1) in parasite infection andgrowth. Amount: 61 Lacs (2021-24).
8. Tilte: International Conference on Molecular Basis of Diseases and Therapeutics (ICMBDT)- 2019. Amount: 0.5 Lacs (2019).
9. Tilte: International Conference on Molecular Basis of Diseases and Therapeutics (ICMBDT)- 2019. Amount: 1.0 Lacs (2019).
Friedrich-Baur-Stiftung, Germany
10. Tilte: Friedrich-Baur-Stiftung-Instrument grant, . Amount: Euro 10000 (2007-08).
11. Tilte: Friedrich-Baur-Stiftung-Instrument grant, . Amount: Euro 10000 (2006-07).
Förderprogramm für Forschung und Lehre (FöFoLe), Germany
Promotionsstudiengang „Molekulare Medizin“ und „Systembiologische Medizin”
FöFoLe-Programm zur Förderung von Nachwuchswissenschaftlern
12. Project Title: LIM-Kinase 2: a possible link connectinginflammation and cell cycle in endothelial cells. In programe “Molecular and System biology for Medicine (Co-PI).” Amount: Euro 16000 (2010-11).
13. Project Title: LPA, VSMC, GPCR, Thrombozyten, Endothel. Amount: Euro 42,294 (2006-7).
Invited lectures / Resource Person
1. “Unveiling the illusive truth: amyloidogenic cofilins links to neurodegenerative diseases” Plenary talkdelivered at the International Conference on Recent Innovation in Biotechnological, Chemical & Environmental Sciences organized by MLS University , Udaipur in association with Microbiologist Society, India (15th–16th March 2023).
2. “Fundamental of fluorescence microscopy” delivered at Hands on Training Program on Techniques in Modern Biotechnology under the scheme Synergistic Training Program Utilizing the Scientific and Technological Infrastructure (STUTI) of Department of science and Technology, Government of India organized by Amity University of Jaipur (17th–23th December 2022).
3. “Fundamental of Confocal microscopy and image processing” delivered at Hands on Training Program on Techniques in Modern Biotechnology under the scheme Synergistic Training Program Utilizing the Scientific and Technological Infrastructure (STUTI) of Department of science and Technology, Government of India organized by Amity University of Jaipur (11th–17th October 2022).
4. “How to do research work” delivered at J. L. N. Medical College, Ajmer State/University (10th May 2019).
5. “Personalized medicine: present, past and future” delivered at B. N. College of Engineering & Technology, Lucknow (13th February 2020).
6. “Targeting malaria through host pathways: dissecting the role of host serine/threonine kinase 35 (STK35L1) as a drug target in Parasite infection and growth” delivered at National Conference on Newer Avenues in the Field of Chemical Science, organized by the Department of Chemistry, Swami Keshvanand Institute of Technology, Management & Gramothon, Jaipur (14th-15th February 2020).
7. “Reference and Literature Citation: Principle and software” delivered at 4th Faculty Induction Program, organized by Faculty development center, under the scheme of Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya National Mission Teachers and Teaching, MHRD, Govt. of India at Banasthali Vidyapith, Banasthali, Rajasthan (19th April 2019).
8. “Future Medicine” delivered at Refresher Course in Life Science & Biotechnology, organized by JNU, New Delhi (10th October 2018).
9. "Functional Genomics" Invited lecture, organized by Manipal University, Jaipur (7th February 2018).
10. “Personalized Medicine” delivered at International Conference on Nano-Technology in Energy, Nano-bio interface & Sustainable Environment (INTENSE-2017), organized by Amity University Jaipur (19th-21st August 2017).
11. “Cofilins: A family of small proteins with giant responsibilities” delivered at "Advanced Microscopy and Imaging Techniques” jointly organized by Department of Biotechnology, Central University of Rajasthan, Kishangarh DSS Imagetech Pvt. Ltd. and Olympus Medical Systems India Pvt. Ltd (29th June – 1st July 2017).
12. “Quality Research: Literature Survey” delivered at Refresher Course in Life Science, organized by MDS University, Ajmer (25th July 2016).
13. Elucidation of molecular mechanisms underlying drug-associated side effects using structure- based systems biology approach: Gefitinib as an example delivered at “Three day workshop on Biomedical instrumentation and Bioinformatics” organized by Amity University, Jaipur (19th-21st July 2016).
14. “Personalized Medicine delivered at Refresher Course in Life Science, organized by MDS University, Ajmer (25th July 2016).
15. “Small protein, big responsibility: Role of cofilin in actin dynamization” delivered at International Conference on Biotechnology & Nano Technology (ICBN-2016), organized by The IIS University, Jaipur, India (30th January- 1st February 2016).
16. “Prediction and validation of C. Difficile specific drug targets” presented at National Conference on "Microbes in Extreme Environments: Diversity and Translational Applications" organized by H. N. B. Garhwal University, Srinagar, India (30th-31st October 2015).
17. “Personalized Medicine: new horizon in human health care” invited lecture at "Biotechnology Day" organized by the Department of Food and Biotechnology, Jayoti Vidyapeeth Women's University, Jaipur(26th September 2015).
18. “Good Laboratory Practices in academic and research laboratories” delivered at Symposium on Good Laboratory Practices and Safety Guidelines (GLPSG-2015), organized by Dept. of Biotechnology, Central University of Rajasthan (4th July 2015).
19. “Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) and Bio-safety” at the national workshop on "Animal Cell Culture & Related molecular Biology Techniques" organized by The IIS University Jaipur (24th August 2014).
20. “Peer to Peer teaching methodology” delivered at MHRD-UGC sponsored faculty orientation course" organized by MHRDC-JNV university Jodhpur at Central University of Rajasthan (17th December 2013).
21. “Multimedia in better learning: time for a critical appraisal” MHRD-UGC sponsored faculty orientation course" organized by MHRDC-JNV university Jodhpur at Central University of (16th December 2013)
Oral Presentations in Conferences
1. “Regulation and structural features of cofilin and LIMK2” presented at IV Symposium of DFG Graduiertenkolleg “Vaskuläre Biologie in der Medizin (GRK 438) at Institute for prevention of CardiovascularDiseases, Munich, Germany (10th November 2007).
2. “Thrombin inhibits nuclear import of LIMK2 in endothelial cells”. Presented at Annual Meeting of " 29th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Cell Biology (DGZ)" Braunschweig, Germany. (March 29th-April 1st, 2006).
Eur J Cell Biol 85 Suppl. 56 (2006).
3. “Functions of LIM-kinase 2 in endothelial cells” presented at III Symposium of DFG Graduiertenkolleg “Vaskuläre Biologie in der Medizin (GRK 438) at Institute for prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases, Munich, Germany (3rd December2005).
4. “Dual function of LIM-Kinases in endothelial cells”. Presented at Annual Meeting of "Gesellschaft für Mikrozirkulation und Vaskuläre Biologie", Munich, Germany. (16-18 October, 2003).
J Vasc Res 2004; 41, 91–120: Session Young investigator award.
5. “LIM-kinases in platelets and endothelial cells” presented at II Symposium of DFG Graduiertenkolleg “Vaskuläre Biologie in der Medizin (GRK 438) at Institute for prevention of Cardiovascular Diseases, Munich, Germany (10th October 2002).
Poster Presentations
1. Pankaj Goyal, Dharmendra Pandey, Wolfgang Siess. “LIM-kinases regulate actin dynamics in thrombin-stimulated endothelial cells” at Adhesion Meeting, Munich, Germany (28-30 April, 2005).
2. Peruka M Neumaier-Wagner, Ulrich Miehe, Simon Black, Bertold Huppertz, Karl- Friedrich Beck, Josef Pfeilschifter, Pankaj Goyal. “Role of the actin modifying protein CLP36 in pregnancies complicated by preeclampsia”. International Society of Obstetric Medicine meeting (14-14 Nov, 2004).
3. P. Neumaier-Wagner, U. Miehe, Kadyrov, P. Goyal, J Alfer, W. Rath, B. Huppertz. “Elfin,the human CLP36, is expressed in decidualized endometrial stromal cells”. 10. European Placenta Group-Meeting IFPA-Meeting (23-28 Sept., 2003).
4. Pankaj Goyal, Dharmendra Pandey, Wolfgang Siess. “Regulation of LIM-Kinases in endothelial cells”. Presented at 4th Symposium on the Biology of Endothelial cells, Munich, Germany (18-20 July, 2003).
5. Pandey D., Goyal P., Bamburg J. R., Siess W. “Analysis of the Rho- kinase/LIMkinase/cofilin signaling pathway in activated platelets” XIXth Congress of the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Birmingham, UK (12-18 July 2003).
6. Pankaj Goyal, Dharmendra Pandey, Wolfgang Siess. “Regulation of LIM-Kinases and cofilin in platelets and endothelial cells”. at 2nd Symposium on Cell Dynamics, Munich, Germany (9-12 Oct, 2002).
7. Pankaj Goyal, Neelo Singh "PCR based diagnosis for Kala-azar" at Indo-European Symposium & Workshop on Cytogenetics & Molecular Genetics, Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, India (3-4 Dec, 1999).
Workshops and advance trainings
1. “Advance training seminar in accordance with § 15 GenTSV for project managers and assigned persons for biological security” at Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry, Martinsried, November 27 and 28, 2008
2. Summer school “Nanoscience and system biology” LMU gene center, Munich, Germany (25th -29th July, 2005).
3. Workshop on Intravital Microscopy and Live Cell Imaging in Angiogenesis Research, Munich, Germany (18th -20th July, 2003).
4. Workshop on Live Cell Imaging at Dept. of Neurobiology, University of Heidelberg, Germany (24th - 30th September, 2001).
5. Second National workshop on Bio-statistics and Biometry at Dept. of Zoology, BHU, Varanasi, India (31st October - 4th November, 1996).
6. National workshop on Immunohistochemistry at Inst. of Medical Sciences, BHU, Varanasi, India (26th - 28th October, 1996).
1. Virtual Workshop on "UCSC XENA: An Integration and Exploration Tool for Multi-Omics Data" 2022, organized at Department of Biotechnology, Central University of Rajasthan, Kishangarh in collaboration with US Santa Cruz Genomics Institute, USA (21st to 22nd April, 2022).
2. International Conference on Molecular Basis of Diseases and Therapeutics, (ICMBDT– 2019) organized at School of Biotechnology, Central University of Rajasthan (8th-10th March 2019).
3. National Workshop on "Advanced Microscopy and Imaging techniques" organized at department of Biotechnology, Central University of Rajasthan (29th June-1st July, 2017).
4. 2 days Symposium on Good Lab Practices and Safety Guidelines organized at Department of Biotechnology, Central University of Rajasthan (24th-25th July 2015).
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