Personal Information

Dr. Suresh Kumar Patra
Assistant Professor
M.A. (Economics), M.Phil., PhD(Pondicherry University)
Research Interests | Teaching Interests |
Sl. | Degree | Year | % or CGPA | Specialization | Board/ University |
1 | Ph.D. Title: An Empirical Analysis of Household Savings in India. | 2016 | Passed | Economics | Pondicherry University |
2 | M.Phil. | 2011 | 9.92 | Economics | Pondicherry University |
3 | M.A. in Economics | 2010 | 60 |
Economics | Utkal University |
4 | B.A. | 2008 | 74.5 | Economics | Utkal University |
5 | HSC | 2005 | 77.7 | Arts | CHSE, Odisha |
6 | SSC | 2003 | 70.5 |
| Board of Secondary Education Odisha |
Research Interests | Teaching Interests |
S. No. | Authors | Title of Article | Journal/Conference Details | Journal/Conference | Publication Year |
1 | Does economic development reduce disaster damage risk from floods in India? Empirical evidence using the ZINB model | International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. Volume 79, 1-17, September 2022, 103163, ISSN : 2212-4209. (Elsevier) | Journal | 2022 |
- One Day Seminar on “Consumer, Common Man and Competitive Law”, Pondicherry University on 30th January, 2012.
- Two Days National Workshop on “Two Day National level Workshop on Research Methods” organized by the Department of Commerce, School of Management, Pondicherry University (2-3 May 2014)
- Workshop on Spatial Analysis (Statistics and Econometrics) held at the Lecture Theatre, Economic Research Unit, 6th Floor, S.N. Bose Bhavan, Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), 203 B. T. Road, Kolkata (January 8 - 16, 2018)
- One-week workshop on “Financial Time-Series Modelling in R: FinMODE-2018”, organized by the Department of Economic Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur (24-28th September 2018).
- “Pre-Conference workshop on Data Analytics” at the 55th Annual Conference of The Indian Econometric Society (TIES) organized by Mumbai School of Economics & Public Policy, University of Mumbai and National Institute of Securities Markets (7th January 2019).
- Participated in the “First AI (Artificial Intelligence) Summit” at Xavier University Bhubaneswar on 23rd February 2019 organized by Xavier School of Computer Science and Engineering.
- Participated in the “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Technology and Techniques” FDP, held at Old Academic Block, Xavier University Bhubaneswar (3-4 June 2019).
- Participated in the two-week Refresher Course in “Public Economics” for University and College teachers and researchers at National Institute of Public Finance and Policy (NIPFP), New Delhi during December 9-20, 2019.
- Participated in the Instructor-led live online 10 days – Faculty Development Programme on Applied Machine Learning and IoT with AWS organized by EduxLabs (Esoir Business Solution LLP) during the period 13th July to 22th July 2020.
- Participated in the Instructor-led live online 10 days – Faculty Development Programme on Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning, Deep Learning and its Application organized by EduxLabs (Esoir Business Solution LLP) during the period 20th July to 30th July 2020.
- Attended the QIP Short Term Course (online) on “Financial Time- Series Modelling in R"” conducted by the Department of Economic Sciences, IIT Kanpur from 15-20 February 2021.
- Participated in the Online One-month Faculty Induction Programme organised by Teaching Learning Center, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi under the Ministry of Education sponsored Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) scheme during 22 March - 20 April, 2023.
- Participated in the Online One-month Faculty Induction Programme organised by Teaching Learning Center, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi under the Ministry of Education sponsored Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT) scheme during 22 March - 20 April, 2023.