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Dr. Pranta Pratik Patnaik
M.A. (JNU, New Delhi), UGC(NET-JRF), M.Phil(University of Delhi), Ph.D. (University of Delhi.)
- Cultural Rights
- Media Practices
- Gender and Sexualities
- Research Methodology
- Globalisation & New Media
- Ph.D Thesis on ‘Television and Socio-Cultural Identity: An Ethnographic Study in Orissa’ under the supervision of Prof. Satish Deshpande, Department of Sociology, University of Delhi.
- M.Phil Dissertation on - ‘The Construction of Gender through Television Advertisements: A Sociological Analysis’, Department of Sociology, University of Delhi.
- Post-Graduation (M.A.) from the Centre for the Study of Social Systems, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi.
- Graduation (B.A.) in Sociology (Hons) from B.J.B. College, Bhubaneswar (Odisha) under Utkal University.
- Intermediate (I.A.) from B.J.B. College, Bhubaneswar (Odisha) under Council of Higher Secondary Education.
- Matriculation from Stewart School, Bhubaneswar (Odisha) under I.C.S.E, New Delhi.
- 2008: Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) for three years by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi.
- 2006: Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) for two years by the University Grants Commission, New Delhi.
- 2004: Qualified the National Eligibility Test (NET) for lectureship conducted by University Grants Commission (UGC), Govt of India.
- November 2020 - March 2021: Supervised the IIMC Research Project on Evaluation and Impact Assessment of Mass Media Campaign on Safe and Legal Migration' sponsored by the Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India. Co-ordinated for collection of data from three districts of Rajasthan.
- March – August (2006): Research Assistant in National Human Rights Commission (N.H.R.C., New Delhi) on the issue of tribal rights and rights of the persons with disabilities.
- March – April (2005): Research Assistant for Prof. Meenakshi Thapan, Department of Sociology, University of Delhi in a project on ‘Pedagogy and Citizenship in Contemporary India’.
Ph.D Thesis Supervision:
- Communication through Folk Songs: An Ethnomusicology in Bihar - Sushant Kumar (ongoing)
- Mediated Masculinities: Production and Representation in Hindi Television Soap Operas - Mehul Agarwal (Ph.D Awarded - 21.01.2025)
Supervision of Masters' Dissertation:
- A Strong Woman? Comparative Analysis of Female Protagonists in “Elemental” and “Tangled” (Ritika Choudhary)
- Media Representation of Russia-Ukraine Conflict: A Comparative Study of BBC News and Times Now (Anish Ranjan)
- Social Media and Environmental Activism: A Study on Fridays for Future Protest (Harshita)
- Print Media and Tribal Development: Content Analysis on Niyamgiri Movement in Odisha (Sneha Bhol)
- Education and Cultural Status among Jenu Kuruba Tribe of Karnataka (Pramod E.E.)
- Media and Information Literacy in Combating Fake News: A Study on Adolescents in Rajasthan (Prateek K Vishwakarma)
- Representation of Mental Health in American Cinema: An analysis of 'Black Swan' and 'A Beautiful Mind' (Sahib Mendiratta)
- The Cinematic Viewing Experience on OTT Platforms Among the Youth (YaduKrishna K J)
- Media and Migration: A Comparative Study of Audio-Visual Construction of Migrants' Issues during COVID-19 by ZEE News and MOJO (Dharmendra Kumar Yadav)
- Caste Tensions and Conflicts in Marathi Cinema of Nagraj Manjule and Rajiv Patil (Shreya Tiwari)
- News Coverage of Bihar Elections 2020: Content Analysis of Dainik Bhaskar ( Vinit Kumar )
- Community Radio and Everyday Life: A Case Study of Tilonia & Nalu Village, Rajasthan. (Abhimanyu Singh)
- Censorship in Indian Cinema (Sugathy A.S.)
- The Construction of Female Body during Menstruation: A Comparative Study of Jain, Brahmin and Rajputs in Rajasthan. (Archana Rajawat)
- Understanding Humour: A Study of Woody Allen’s Cinema. (Junteera Danpo)
- Dehumanising Effect of Mobile among Youths. (Jenul Aabid)
- Television in the Everyday Lives of Women (Rohini Joshi)
- Modernity vs. Tradition among Farmers in Nagaour District, Rajasthan (Geeta Shahu)
S. No. | Authors | Title of Article | Journal/Conference Details | Journal/Conference | Publication Year |
1 | Agarwal, Mehul & Pranta Pratik Patnaik | Embodying Indian ‘Epic’ Masculinities: Interpretations of Masculine Images in Hatim | Journal of Kolkata Society for Asian Studies, Vol.10, No.2, ISSN No.2454-5694, December, 2024 | Journal | 2024 |
2 | Agarwal, Mehul & Patnaik, Pranta Pratik | Envisioning Change: Revival of Northeast Identity in New Bollywood Narratives | Pragyaan. Journal of Mass Communication, Vol.21 (1),pp.9-16. ISSN:0974-5521 | Journal | 2023 |
3 | Agarwal, Mehul & Patnaik, Pranta Pratik | (Re)Visiting Masculinities in Indian Television Soap Operas | Quarterly Review of Film and Video | Journal | 2023 |
4 | Pranta Pratik Patnaik | Maintaining the Feminine Body: Representation of Women in Health Magazines | Women's Link, Vol.30, No.2, pp.51-58, ISSN No.2229-6409 | Journal | 2023 |
5 | Mehul Agarwal, Pranta Pratik Patnaik | Screening Bodies: The Indian Male in Hindi Soap Operas | Mass Communicator. International Journal of Communication Studies | Journal | 2023 |
6 | Pranta Pratik Patnaik | Marginal Bodies, Mutilated Desires. Gender and Class in Rituparno Ghosh’s Queer Trilogy | in Supriya Agarwal (eds) Understanding Marginality: Cultural & Literary Perspectives (2022), Rawat Publications, Jaipur (ISBN No. 978-8-131-61229-3) | Book Chapter | 2022 |
7 | Pranta Pratik Patnaik | Gendered Representations in Media | in Leal Filho.W (eds) Gender Equality. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. (2020), Springer: Cham (Online ISBN No. 978-3-319-70060-1). | Book Chapter | 2020 |
8 | Pranta Pratik Patnaik | Silent Public and Speaking Selves: Locating 'Public Sphere' through Classroom Practices | in Suresh Babu G.S. (ed) Education and the Public Sphere. Exploring the Structures of Mediation in Post-Colonial India. (2019), Routledge: London. Page:203-217 (ISBN No. 9781351024181). | Book Chapter | 2019 |
9 | Pranta Pratik Patnaik | Public Spaces and Private Intimacies: The 'Politics of Belonging' in Parks | in Kaustav Chakraborty (ed) The Politics of Belonging in Contemporary India. Anxiety & Intimacy. (2019), Routledge: London. Page:167-179 (ISBN No.9780429295980). | Book Chapter | 2019 |
10 | Pranta Pratik Patnaik | The Art of Showing: Imagining Development in Indian Mediascape | in Pathak, D. and Das, A (eds) Investigating Developmentalism. Notions of Development in the Social Sphere. (2019), Palgrave Macmillan: Cham(UK). Page: 73-96 (ISBN No.978-3-030-17442-2). | Book Chapter | 2019 |
11 | Pranta Pratik Patnaik | Sexuality as a Human Right: Body, Desire and the State | NIU International Journal of Human Rights, Vol.3, pp.113 -119. (ISSN No.2394 – 0298) | Journal | 2016 |
12 | Pranta Pratik Patnaik | Bodies of Pleasure: Rethinking Gender, Space and Identity | in Saugata Bhaduri and Indrani Mukherjee (ed) Transcultural Negotiations of Gender: Studies in (Be)longing. Series: Transcultural Research – Heidelberg Studies on Asia and Europe in a Global Context. Springer Publications: USA. Page:103-112 (ISBN No.978-81-322-2437-2) | Book Chapter | 2015 |
13 | Pranta Pratik Patnaik | Bearly Indian: “Fat” Gay Men’s Negotiation of Embodiment, Culture, and Masculinity | in Rohit K Dasgupta & K Moti Gokulsing (ed) Masculintiy and its Challenges in India: Essays on Changing Perceptions.McFarland & Co. Publishers: North Carolina, USA. Page : 93 – 105 (ISBN No. 978-0-7864-7224-6) | Book Chapter | 2013 |
14 | Pranta Pratik Patnaik | Media, Cultural rights and the Third world | in Subrata Sankar Bagchi (ed) Human Rights and Third World: Issues and Discourses. Lexington Books: New York. Page:179-192 (ISBN-10: 0739197983, ISBN-13: 978-0739197981) | Book Chapter | 2012 |
15 | Pranta Pratik Patnaik | Cinema, Satyagraha and Everyday Life | Gandhi Marg, Vol.32, No.2. pp. 255- 63. | Journal | 2010 |
16 | Pranta Pratik Patnaik | The Invisible Minority: An Analysis of Trafficking of Women in Orissa. | Women’s Link. Vol.11, No.4. pp. 29 – 32. (ISSN No.2229-6409). | Journal | 2005 |
17 | Pranta Pratik Patnaik | Visual Representation of Gender in Contemporary India | Third Concept. An International Journal of Ideas. No.225, pp.25 – 29. (ISSN No.1470-482X) | Journal | 2005 |
18 | Pranta Pratik Patnaik | Saving the “Family”: Lesbian Cinema in Indian Context | International Journal of Communication, Vol.23, No.1-2, pp.218 – 229. (ISSN No.0975-640X) | Journal | 2013 |
- Collaborator with Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC, New Delhi) on the project - Evaluation and Impact Assessment of Mass Media Campaign on Safe and Legal Migration' sponsored by the Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India. Co-ordinated for collection of data from three districts of Rajasthan. (Project P.I. - Prof. Shaswati Goswami, IIMC New Delhi.)
- 2025, January: “Queering the Digital Mediascape: LGBTQIA+ Narratives in OTT Platform” in an International Conference on ‘Innovative Paradigms in Communication & Media: Bridging the Global Perspectives’ organized by Centre for Journalism and Mass Communication, Visva-Bharati. Shantiniketan, West Bengal.
- 2024, September: “The Geography of Sexualities: Exploring the Queer Lives in Rural India” in 2nd International Conference on ‘Literature, Society, and Global Media’ organized by Dept of Journalism and Mass Communication, School of Humanities & Social Sciences, Jain University, Bengaluru.
- 2024, April: “Hashtag Feminism amidst Politics and Economics of Visibility: A Study on #WhyLoiter” in an International Conference on “Future Communication: Rethinking Societies, Cultures and Governance” organized by Department of Electronic Media and Mass Communication. Pondicherry University in collaboration with University of Toulon, France.
- 2024, January: “LGBTPhobia on Social Media: Mapping the Circuit of Cyberhate in #Samesex Marriage in India” in the Pramana International Research Conference on ‘Reimagining Media: Narratives on the Marginalized and Inclusivity in the Media and Consumption Industries’ organized by Symbiosis Centre for Media and Communication, Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Pune, Maharashtra.
- 2023, March: “Communication and Social Change: A Case Study of Tilonia Community Radio in Rajasthan” in an International Conference on ‘Relooking at the Realm of Radio: Celebrating 100 years of Radio Broadcasting’ organized by Department of Mass Communication, Karim City College, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand.
- 2022, October: “Communication in Crisis: Engaging with Media Narratives on Migrants during Pandemic” in an International Conference on ‘Workers, Cultural (Re)production, and the Culture Industry in South Asia’ organized by The Cultural Studies Cell, School of Arts & Humanities, Christ University, Bangalore and Dept. of Sociology, Tezpur University, Assam.
- 2022, April: “Journalistic Field, Emotional Labour and Stringers in Indian Media Industry” in an online Research Symposium on ‘Emotional Labour in Media Work’ at Middlesex University, London.
- 2022, January: “Screening Bodies: The Indian Male on Hindi Television Shows” in 2nd Physical Cultures of the Body Conference (online) organized by The H.J.Lutcher Stark Center for Physical Culture & Sports, University of Texas at Austin.(Co-presenter: Mehul Agarwal).
- 2019, December: “Re-orienting Journalism: A Cultural Approach to Communication” in 2nd edition of South Asia Communication Conference on ‘Journalism Education in South Asia’ organized by School of Mass Communication, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT), Bhubaneshwar.
- 2018, November: Performing ‘Marginal’ Identities: Body and Desire in Rituparno Ghosh’s Queer Trilogy in an International Conference on ‘Moving Beyond the Margins: The Politics of Inclusion and Assimilation’ organized by Department of English, Central University of Rajasthan.
- 2016, April: “Public Spaces and Private Intimacies: The ‘Politics of Belonging’ in Parks” in an International Conference on ‘Intimacy and Belonging in Contemporary India’ organized by Indian Institute of Advanced Study (IIAS), Shimla.
- 2016, March: ‘Disguised’ Development and Media Politics in Odisha in an International Seminar on ‘Governance, Development and the State in Contemporary Times’ jointly organized by Department of Sociology, Tezpur University (Assam) and UNICEF (Guwahati) & MACRONEI-MAKAIAS (Kolkata).
- 2014, November: “From Visual Exclusion to Visible Inclusion: The Seduction of Media Diversity in Odisha Television” in an International Conference on ‘Media Diversity: Concept, Analyses, Policy’ jointly organized by the Centre for Culture, Media & Governance, JMI, New Delhi and Institute of Media Studies, KU Leuven, Belgium.
2014, July: “The Politics of ‘Other’ Woman in Indian Cinema” in XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology on ‘Facing an Unequal World: Challenges for Global Sociology’, organised by International Sociological Association (ISA), in Yokohama, Japan.
2014, January: “Choreographing Gender: Transgressions and Negotiations in Gotipua Dance” in Xth Annual International Conference of Indian Society for Theatre Research in association with International Federation for Theatre Research on ‘Interdisciplinary Negotiations in Performing Arts: Indo-Global Praxis’, organised by Department of Culture and Media Studies, Central University of Rajasthan.
2014, January: “Who pays the price? Mediating Development Discourse” in an International Conference on ‘ Diversity, Margins and Dialogue: Local, National and Transnational Cultures’, organised by Dept. of Sociology, University of Pune.
2013, September: “Teaching Gandhi: A Classroom Experience” in a World Conference on ‘Gandhian Thought: Globalization and Education’, organised by Global Educational Research Association in Kathmandu, Nepal.
2013, March: “Moving Bodies, Performing Gender: Understanding the Gendered Spaces in Delhi” in an International Conference on ‘Gender Studies and Expanding Horizons of Inter/Trans-Culturality’, Jawaharlal Nehru University (New Delhi) in collaboration with Indian Council of Social Science Research.
2010, June: “Virtual Space and Sexual Identity” in the 19th Asian Media Information and Communication Centre (AMIC) Annual Conference on ‘Technology and Culture: Communication Connectors and Dividers’, Suntec City, Singapore.
2007 November: “Screening Satyagraha: Reflections on the Hindi Film ‘Lagey Raho Munna Bhai’” in the Satyagraha Centenary International Conference on ‘Globalization of the Gandhian Way: Sociology, Politics and Science of Satyagraha (1906-2006)’, Centre for the Study of Social Systems, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi.
- 2023, May: “Neglect and Renewal: Decoding Cultural Inclusivity in recent North-East Representation in Hindi Cinema” in a two-day national seminar on ‘National Integration through Cultural Exchange’ organized by Department of Mass Communication, Mizoram University. (Co-Presenter: Mehul Agarwal)
- 2023, February: “The ‘Becoming’ of Bodies: An Analysis of Women’s Health Magazines” in a two-day multidisciplinary online national conference on ‘Embodied Identities: The Body in Cultural Spaces’ organized by Forum for Research in English, Centre for Advanced Studies and Research in English Language and Literature, Department of English, Farook College (Autonomous), Calicut, Kerala.
- 2022, April: “Dalit Entrepreneurship in Digital Media Ecology: A Progression from Margins towards Mainstream through Self-Reliance” in a two day ICSSR sponsored national seminar on ‘Atmanribhar Bharat and Media: On the Road to Success’ organized by Department of Media and Communication, Central University of TamilNadu, Thiruvarur.(Co-Presenter: Dushbir Singh).
- 2019, November: “Transgender and Bio-political Governance in India” in a two day ICSSR sponsored national seminar on ‘Social Development of Vulnerable Groups: Issues and Challenges in Contemporary India’ organized by M.P. Institute of Social Science Research, Ujjain.
- 2019, November: “Dalits in Indian Mediascape : A Comparative Analysis of Dalit’s Coverage in Indian Express and National Dastak” in a three-day national media conclave on ‘Communication 4.0: Communication in a Digital Age’organized by Institute of Media Studies, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha. (Joint paper with Mr. Dushbir Singh).
- 2019, September: “ Marginalised Voices in Digital Age: A Critical Analysis of National Dastak as an Alternative Media Platform” in a two-day national seminar on ‘Communication and Social Change for the Marginalized and the Underprivileged’ organized by Department of Journalism, Kalindi College, University of Delhi, Delhi. (Joint paper with Mr. Dushbir Singh).
- 2019, March: "Caste Appropriation and Resistance: Re-reading the Odia 'Lakshmi Purana' as a Radical Text" in a national conference on ‘Caste and Communication’ organized by Centre for Culture, Media and Governance, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi in collaboration with All India Communication and Media Association, Delhi.
- 2018, September: “The Purity-Pollution Conundrum: Menstruating Body in Indian Culture and Media” in a national seminar on ‘Media, Women and Culture:The Indian Trijunction’ organized by Department of Mass Communication, Mizoram University, Mizoram.
- 2017, September: “Intimate Stranger(s): Everyday Politics and Intimacies in Parks” in a national queer conference on ‘Praxis, Politics & Possibilities’ organized by Sappho for Equality, Jadavpur University, Kolkata.
- 2017, March: “Liberation within Bondage: Social Media and Sexual Identity in India” in a national seminar on ‘Role of Social Media in Society Transformation’ organized by Department of Sociology, University of Lucknow, Lucknow.
- 2017, March: “Radio without Community: Media, Democracy and Public Sphere in Rajasthan” in a national conference on ‘Questioning Community Radio in India: Looking Back to Look Forward’ organized by Department of Media & Communication Studies, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.
- 2016, March: “The Silent Public and Speaking Selves: Locating ‘Public Sphere’ through Classroom Practices” in a national seminar on ‘Education and Public Sphere: Exploring the Structures of Mediation in Post-Colonial India’ organized by Zakir Husain Centre for Educational Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi.
- 2015, December : “Creating Identity and Conflicting Interests: The Mediated Discourse of Development in Odisha” in XXXXI All India Sociological Conference on ‘Development, Marginalization and People’s Movements’ organized by Indian Sociological Society in collaboration with the Department of Sociology and Social Work, KISS,KIIT University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
- 2015, November: “Television, Identity and Development Discourse in Odisha” in a seminar on ‘Reconstructing Development and its Discontents in India: Problems, Paradoxes and Possibilities’ organized by the Department of Sociology, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack.
- 2011, December: “Sociology of Media as a point of convergence” in a seminar on ‘Doing Sociology in India: Retrospect and Prospects’ organized by the Department of Sociology, University of Kerala in collaboration with the Indian Sociological Society in University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram.
- 2011, December: “Silencing the voices or voicing the silences? The POSCO deal and television in Odisha” at the 37th All India Sociological Conference organized by the Indian Sociological Society, New Delhi.
- 2011, March: “They talk about us but they don’t talk like us: Visual Exclusion in Orissa Television(OTV)” in a seminar on Media and the Marginals: Representation and Construction of Meaning organized by the Department of Sociology in collaboration with Centre for Culture, Media and Governance in Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi.
- 2010, December: “ Locating the ‘Local’ in Localisation : A Study of Television in Orissa” in the Asian Culture Industries Conference organized by the CIDASIA Research Programme, Centre for the Study of Society and Culture ( CSCS), Bangalore.
- 2009, August: “The Political Economy of the Culture Industry: A Case of Orissa Television” in a seminar on ‘Society and the State in Contemporary India: Intersectional Approach to Class Analysis’ organized by India International Centre, New Delhi & Council for Social Development, New Delhi.
- 2007, February: “Media, State and Identity: A Case of Orissa Television” in a seminar on ‘Regions within Regions: Rethinking State Politics in India’ organized under the UGC-ASHISS Programme, Department of Political Science, Panjab University, Chandigarh.
- 2004, March: “Revisiting Tribal Development with a Gendered Perspective” in a seminar on ‘Tribes, State Policies and the NGOs’organized by the Indian Anthropological Association, New Delhi.
Invited Lecture/Resource Person
- Invited as a resource person for a talk in a webinar on ‘Centenary Tribute Guru Dutt: The Maestro of Classic Bollywood’ organized by Communication Today and BVICAM, New Delhi on 21st July, 2024. (Available on YouTube-
- Invited as a resource person for a lecture on ‘Review of Literature and Framing Objectives’ in a Writing Workshop on Commons for Foundation of Ecological Securities (FES) Senior Professionals, organized by School of Social Sciences, Central University of Rajasthan on 3rd June, 2024.
- Invited as a resource person for a talk on ‘Negotiating ‘Care’ and ‘Ethics’: Challenges and Dilemmas in Teaching’ in a Symposium on “Towards a Pedagogy of Care: Capacity Building in Indian Higher-ed Academia for Ethical and Inclusive Pedagogical Framework” organized by Max Weber Forum for South Asian Studies, New Delhi on 17th May, 2024.
- Invited as a resource person for a lecture on ‘Masculinity Studies and Women’s Studies: Agenda for Collaboration’ in Department of Sociology, Christ University, Delhi-NCR on 29th January, 2024.
- Invited as a resource person to deliver a talk on ‘Gender, Sexuality and Media’ in a short term course in Gender Sensitization, UGC-HRDC, Ranchi University, Ranchi, Jharkhand on 18th March, 2023.
- Invited as a resource person to chair a session on 'Interrogating Disability in Cinema' in an International Conference on "Disability and the Everyday: Interdisciplinary Perspectives" organised by the Department of English, CURaj in collaboration with Indian Disability Studies Collective, New Delhi on 8th - 10th February, 2023.
- Invited as a resource person for a lecture on ‘Theory and Conceptual Framework of Qualitative Inquiry’ in the 4th Research Methodology Workshop organized by School of Social Sciences, Central University of Rajasthan on 10th January, 2023.
- Invited as a resource person for a lecture on ‘Systematic Review of Literature’ in the 4th Research Methodology Workshop organized by School of Social Sciences, Central University of Rajasthan on 19th December, 2022.
- Invited as a resource person for a lecture on ‘Research Design in Social Science' in the 3rd Research Methodology Workshop organized by School of Social Sciences, Central University of Rajasthan on 24th December, 2021.
- Invited as a resource person for a talk on ‘Re-thinking Journalism Education through Cultural Studies Paradigm’ in UNESCO-WJEC Roundtable on Quality Journalism Education in Eastern India: Media, Ethics and Social Justice, Utkal University, Bhubaneswar on 1st December, 2021.
- Invited as a resource person to deliver a lecture on ‘Gender, Media and Social Justice’ in the 5th Short Term Course in Gender Sensitization and Social Justice, UGC-HRDC Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi on 9th November, 2021.
- Invited as a resource person to deliver a lecture on 'Blogging and Content Writing' in a Two- Week Online Certificate Programme on Communication and Digital Media, ASBM University, Bhubaneswar on 21st October, 2021 - (Available on YouTube - )
- Invited as a keynote speaker to deliver a lecture on 'Masculinities in Indian Media' in Department of Sociology, Kamala Nehru College, University of Delhi on 10th March 2021 - (Available on YouTube -
- Invited as a resource person to deliver a lecture on ‘Beyond Stereotype: Gender in Indian Media’ in School of Rural Development, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Tuljapur Campus, Maharashtra on 5th December, 2020.
- Invited as a resource person to deliver a live video lecture on ‘Status and Role’, which was telecasted on PM eVidya Channel 12 of Ministry of Education, Government of India organized by National Institute of Open Schooling on 13th October, 2020.
- Invited as a keynote speaker to deliver a talk on ‘Gender, Cinema and Visual Culture in India’ in a national webinar organized by Department of Fine Arts, KL University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh on 30th September, 2020.
- Invited as resource person to deliver a talk on ‘Feminism and Cultural Studies’ in a five days Short Term Course on ‘Cultural Studies’ (16-20 Sept) under the aegies of DaathVoyage: An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in English on 18th September, 2020.
- Invited as resource person to deliver two online lectures on ‘Cultural Studies’ in a lecture series on ‘Contemporary Critical Theories’ under the aegies of DaathVoyage: An International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in English on 4th & 5th September, 2020.
- Invited as a resource person to conduct a session on ‘Effective Strategies for Literature Review’ in a one day Academic Writing Symposium organized under the project ‘Upgradation of the Centre for North East Studies and Policy Research’ at Jamia Millia Islamia University, New Delhi on 12th September, 2019.
- Invited as a resource person to give a talk on ‘Culture, Media & Responsibilities of Youth’ at Govt. Engineering College, Bharatpur (Rajasthan) on 10th August, 2019.
- Invited as a resource person in a one day session on ‘Scaling-up Development Journalism Learning Modules’ organized by Prof. Sanjeev Bhanawat at Centre for Mass Communication, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur on 6th May, 2018.
- Invited as a resource person in a two day national consultation on “Mapping Creative Industry and Economy in India” organized by Prof. Biswajit Das at Centre for Culture, Media & Governance (CCMG), Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi on 16th – 17th April, 2018.
- Invited as a resource person in a two day session of ICSSR Project titled ‘Mediatization and Democracy in Contemporary India: A select study of Changing Media Practices in Four Cities’ organized by Prof. Maitrayee Chaudhari at Centre for the Study of Social Systems (CSSS), JNU, New Delhi on 23rd – 24th January, 2016.
- Delivered a lecture on ‘Male Body and Desire in Hindi Cinema: Revisiting Laura Mulvey’s Male Gaze’ in the Special Lecture Series organized by the Department of English, Central University of Rajasthan on 14th Oct, 2013.
Faculty Development Programme:
- 2023, December – Attended Two-Week Online Refresher Course on ‘Media Studies and Governance’ MMTTC, Jamia Millia Islamia (5th – 18th December)
- 2023, October - Attended one-week Online Faculty Development Program on ‘Research Methodology’, Dept of Journalism and Mass Communication, SRM Institute of Science and Technology (9th October – 16th October).
- 2022, Jun-Jul – Attended one-week Online Faculty Development Program on ‘Changing Trends in Media’, Dept of Journalism and Mass Communication, SRM Institute of Science and Technology (28th June – 7th July).
- 2021, June – Attended one-week Online Faculty Development Program on ‘Recent Trends in Communication, Culture, Media and Journalism Studies’, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar (20th – 26th June).
- 2021, Jan-Feb – Attended three-week international workshop (virtual mode) on ‘Research Methods: Insights and Applications’, Dept of Journalism and Mass Communication, University of Calcutta and Institute for International Journalism, Scripps School of Journalism, Ohio University (16th January – 5th February)
- 2020, December – Attended one-week online Faculty Development Programme on ‘Implementation of National Education Policy 2020: Vocational Education and Skill Development’, TLC, Central University of Rajasthan (14 – 18 December, 2020)
- 2020, Jul-Aug – Attended ten days Online Summer School Programme in ‘Japanese Cultural Studies’, Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures, University of East Anglia, Norwich, England. (27th July – 7th August, 2020).
- 2018, June – Attended Refresher Course on Research Methodology at UGC-HRDC, University of Hyderabad (1st – 21st June).
- 2017, February – Attended Orientation Programme at UGC-HRDC, MDS University, Ajmer (1st – 28th Feb).
- 2020, March – Member, Organizing Committee of Three day National Workshop on ‘Application of Artificial Intelligence for Conservation of Cultural Heritage of India’ from 13th – 15th March, 2020 jointly organised by Department of Culture & Media Studies and Department of Society-Technology Interface, Central University of Rajasthan, supported by DST, Government of India.
- 2017, March – Member, Organizing Committee of two day National Seminar on ‘Media and Subalterns in India’ from 16th – 17th March, 2017 conducted by Department of Culture & Media Studies, Central University of Rajasthan.
- 2016, March – Organized a Workshop on ‘Dance as a Therapy’ from 1st – 7th March, 2016 conducted by Saswat Joshi, Odissi Dancer in Central University of Rajasthan.
- 2015, Oct - Nov – Participated in a Two Week Capacity Building Workshop for Young Faculty in Social Sciences from 26th October – 8th November, 2015, organized by School of International Studies, Central University of Gujarat in collaboration with Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi.
- 2013, March – Participated in a Two Weeks Intensive Workshop on Documentary Film Making from 15th – 28th March, 2013 as in-charge of editing under the guidance of Prof. Bob Gliner, St.Jose State University, California (USA), organized by Department of Culture and Media Studies, Central University of Rajasthan.
2012, March – April – Attended and qualified in the test in a Three Week French Language Classes from 17th March – 8th April, 2012, organized by the School of Humanities and Languages, Central University of Rajasthan.
2009, September – Attended a Training Course on Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) from 7th – 11th September, 2009, organized by Delhi University Computer Centre, University of Delhi, Delhi.
2004, December – Attended a three day workshop on Substance Abuse from 15th – 17th December, 2004, jointly organized by Department of Adult, Continuing Education & Extension, University of Delhi and National Institute of Social Defence, Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Government of India.
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