Personal Information
Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, International Economics. Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Development
- Ph.D. in Economics from Pondicherry University, Puducherry, India, 2015.
- M.A. in Economics from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, AP, India (2006-08)
- B.Ed. in Social Sciences from, Institute of Advanced Studies in Education (IASE), Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, AP, India, (2008-09)
- B.A from Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, AP, India (2002-2005)
Qualified National Eligibility Test (NET) for Lectureship conducted by University Grant Commission (UGC)
Qualified Andhra Pradesh State Eligibility Test (APSET) for Lectureship conducted by Osmania University
- Fiscal Discipline and Its Relationship with Economic Growth in India: Evidence-Based Policy Analysis. Indian Journal of Public Administration, SAGE Publication, 69(4), 1-13. (Co-author(s): Princy Tak and C. Jeevan Kumar), 2023. ISSN: 0019-5561.
- What have been driving India’s economic growth? An empirical analysis. The Indian Economic Journal, SAGE Publication. (Co-author(s): K. Mahendra Babu and K. Monika), 2023. ISSN: 0019-4662
- Human Capital and Innovation Nexus in India: Evidence from Simultaneous Equation Modelling. Economic Affairs, Vol. 68, No. 03, pp. 1423-1432, (Co-author(s): Kishor Mehra), September 2023.
- The state of human capital for Indian states: An empirical evidence from health and education performance. International Journal of Health Sciences, SCOPUS Indexed. Vol 6. Issue.7. p.p 2550-6978. (Co-author(s), ISSN -2550-6978
- India’s Manufacturing Sector: The Path Towards Self Reliance, PIMT Journal of Research (UGC Care Listed Journal), Vol.13, No.1,pp 112-115 (October-December) 2020
- Revisiting the Causal Nexus between Savings and Economic Growth in India:An Empirical Analysis. EconomiA, SCOPUS Indexed, Elsevier,18 (2017), 380-391.
- Impact of demonetization on Indian Economy: An Empirical Analysis. South Asian Journal of Socio-Political Studies (UGC Care Listed Journal), ISSN 0972-4613, 18(2017), 18-22. 2017/
- Determinants of banking sector development in India: ARDL bound testing Approach, Asian Journal of Research in Banking and Finance, indexing in SJI, 7 (2017), 133-149.
- Trade Openness, Financial Development Index and Economic Growth: Evidence from India (1971-2012). Journal of Financial Economic Policy, SCOPUS Indexed (Emerald Publication), Vol.6, Issue.4. (Print will be Published on 28 October, 2014), (Co-author(s): Suresh Kumar Patra and Amaresh Samantaraya), 1757-6385
- Assessing Financial Development in India and its Relation with Economic Growth: An Empirical Analysis. Journal of Economic and Financial Modelling, Vol.2, No.1 (2014), pp. 1-12.(Co-author: Amaresh Samantaraya)
- An Evaluation of National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) in Odissa. Journal of Health Management,SCOPUS Indexed (SAGE Publication), Vol.15, No. 3 (2013): pp. 471–480. (Co-author (s): Suresh Kumar Patra, Subhrajit Rath).
- Globalization and Rising Economic Inequalities: Evidence from BRICS. Asian Economic Review, Vol-55, No.2, pp. 275-283. August, 2013. (Co-author(s): K. Mahendra Babu and K. Ramesh) ISSN 0004-4555
- Pace and Pattern of Banking Sector Development in India during Pre and Post Reforms Period. Asian Economic Review. Volume 56, No.3. pp 129-146. September, 2014. (Co-author(s): Suresh Kumar Patra and Mahendra Babu) ISSN 0004-4555
- Construction of Financial Liberalization Index for India: An application of Principal Component Analysis. International journal of Social and Economic Research, Vol.3, No.4, pp.392-399, December, 2013. (Suresh Kumar Patra and Kiran Kumar) ISSN-2249-6270
- Inflation Financial Development and Economic Growth: Evidence from India (1982-2011). Global journal of finance and Management, ISSN. 0975-6477, Vol.5. November 6, 2013. (Co-author(s): Suresh Kumar Patra)
- Determinants of Investment: Do Economic Policy variables matter? Time Series Evidence from India. Global journal of finance and Management, ISSN.0975-6477, Vol.5. November 11, 2013. (Co-author(s): Suresh Kumar Patra)
- Savings-Growth-Inflation nexus in Asia: Panel Data Approach. Journal of Economics and Finance. Volume 6, Issue 4. Ver. II (Jul. - Aug. 2015), PP 75-85. (Co-author(s): Suresh Kumar Patra, Dr. Aparajita Biswal)
- Public debt and financial development: A case study of India (pp.100 -107). In Biswal, K.C & Singaiah, G. (Edn.) Emerging trends of financial services in India. Himalaya Publishing House PVT. LTD., Mumbai, ISBN: 9789352026234. (Co-author(s): Suresh Kumar Patra, Kuruva Mahendra Babu & Thrinadha Rao B. (2015))
News Paper Articles (Editorial Column)
- The progress of the country must be determined, Eenadu Telugu newspaper December 21, 2023
- Employment boost.. Foreign Direct Investment(FDI), Eenadu Telugu newspaper Jun 09, 2023
- Crop profits with digital farming, Eenadu Telugu newspaper, May 20, 2023
- Skilled labor is a boon to the nation, Eenadu Telugu newspaper, May 2, 2023
- Why Digital currency, Eenadu Telugu news paper, February 14, 2022.
- Central Bank digital currency and its impact on Banking operations, Prajashekti Telugu news paper, February 13, 2022.
- Fiscal policy is more desirable than monetary policy during COVID-19, Vaarta Telugu news Paper, May 12, 2020
S. No. | Authors | Title of Article | Journal/Conference Details | Journal/Conference | Publication Year |
1 | Murthy, D.S., K. Mahendra Babu and K. Monika | What have been driving India’s economic growth? An empirical analysis | The Indian Economic Journal, SAGE Publication | Journal | 2023 |
2 | Murthy, D.S, Princy Tak and C. Jeevan Kumar | Fiscal Discipline and Its Relationship with Economic Growth in India: Evidence-Based Policy Analysis | Indian Journal of Public Administration, SAGE Publication | Journal | 2023 |
3 | Mehra, K. and Murthy D.S. | Human Capital and Innovation Nexus in India: Evidence from Simultaneous Equation Modelling | Economic Affairs | Journal | 2023 |
- Presented a Paper on “Total Factor Productivity in India – An Analysis of Productivity of States” at the International conference on Computer Science, Industrial Electronics organized by Industrial Electronics & Electrical Engineers forum on 03rd September, 2022 at Ajmer, Rajasthan, India.
- Presented a Paper on “Trade openness, Financial Development and Economic Growth in India: An Empirical Analysis ” in the 55th Annual Conference of The Indian Econometric Society (TIES) combinedly organized by Mumbai School of Economics & Public Policy, University of Mumbai and Nation Institute of Securities Market (NISM) during 9-10 January, 2019 at the NISM Campus, Patalganga, Mumbai.
- Presented a Paper on “Impact of Demonetization on Indian Economy: An Empirical Analysis” in the 5th international conference on Advancement in Engineering, Applied Science and Management organized by Institution of Electronics and telecommunication Engineers, Bengaluru, Karnataka, on 26th November, 2017
- Paper presented on “Fiscal Policy and Inclusive growth in India” in National seminar on Public Policy, Governance and Development in India: Issues and challenges organized by Department of Public Policy, Law and Governance (PPLG) Central University of Rajasthan, Ajmer. During September 23-24, 2016.
- Paper presented on “Financial Development and Economic Growth: Evidence from India” in 1st International Conference on Applied Economics and Finance organized by GITAM School of International Business, GITAM university, Visakhapatnam. During February 26, 2015.
- Paper presented on “Globalization and Rising Economic Inequalities: Evidence from BRICS” in 35th Annual Conference of Rajasthan Economic Association organized by Dept of Economics, Rajasthan Central University, during 23rd-25th January, 2015.
- Paper presented on “public Debt and Financial Development – A case study of India” in National Seminar on Emerging Trends of Financial Services in India organized by Dept of Management at North Eastern Hill University during 20th-21st November, 2014.
- Paper presented on “Assessing Financial Development in India and its Relation with Economic Growth: An Empirical Analysis” in 4th International Conference on Applied Econometrics (ICAE-IV) organized by IBS Hyderabad in Collaboration with The Indian Econometric Society (TIES) during March 20-21, 2014.
- Presented a paper on “Indices for Assessing Financial Development in India: An Application Principal Component Analysis” in Golden Jubilee annual conference of the Indian Econometric Society (TIES) held at IGIDR, Mumbai during Dec 22, 2013
- Presented a Paper on “Determinants of Banking Sector Development In India: ARDL Bound Testing Approach” in fourth annual Great lakes – Union Bank Financial Conference on Emerging Issues in Banking & Finance at Great Lakes Institute of management. Chennai, 3rd September, 2013.
- Presented a Paper on “Determinants of Investment: Do Economic Policy variables matter? Time Series Evidence from India” In World Congress on ‘Business, Finance, Marketing and Industrial Management for Sustainable Development” organized by Krishi Sanskriti at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) – New Delhi, 26th may 2013.
- Presented a Paper on “Inflation Financial Development and Economic Growth: Evidence from India (1982-2011)” In World Congress on ‘Business, Finance, Marketing and Industrial Management for Sustainable Development” organized by Krishi Sanskriti at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) – New Delhi, 25th may 2013.
- Presented a Paper on “Inter-state Disparity in Growth in The Post-Reform Period in India: Role of Banking Developments”, in the National Seminar on Emerging Trends in The Indian Banking Industry – Challenges and Strategic Options organized by the Department of Commerce - Karaikal Campus, Pondicherry University, 24th March 2012.
Workshops/Training Programs Attended
- Participated in the 10 days refresher course on Capacity Building Program for Teachers of Higher education Institutions” conducted during 9th-19th, April, 2019 by Teaching Learning Centre, Central University of Rajasthan under the scheme of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya, National Mission on Teachers and Teaching.
- Attended four Weeks Induction Training program for faculty of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) (Orientation) conducted during 1-26 May, 2018, by Teaching Learning Centre, Central University of Rajasthan under the scheme of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya, National Mission on Teachers and Teaching.
- Participated in the 15 days refresher course on Climate Action & Disaster Management conducted during 16th-30th, Dec - 2021 by UGC-HRDC, Jai Narian Vyas University, Jodhpur, Rajasthan.
Invited Talk/Lecture
- Invited talk on Citation, Referencing & Bibliography in Research, School of Social Sciences, Central University of Rajasthan, February, 2021.
- Resource person in Two days work shop, National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration (NIEPA), New Delhi, January, 2020.
- Invited talk on Selection of Methods in research, Department of Public Policy, Law and Governance, Central University of Rajasthan, March, 2018.
Organised Four Week Research Methodology Workshop, School of Social Sciences, Central University of Rajasthan, February, 2021.
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