Personal Information

Dr. Shailesh Kumar Patidar
M.Sc. (Sardar Patel University), NET, Ph.D. (CSIR-Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute, MKBU), Postdoc- 1. University of Michigan, USA. 2. Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea.
- Synthetic ecology and biology for bioremediation, biofuel, and byproducts
- Microalgae-bacteria interactions & Ecophysiology
- Carbon sequestration & heavy metal contamination
Postdoc- Hanyang University, South Korea (2016-2018); University of Michigan, USA (2019).
Ph.D.- Microbiology, CSIR- CSMCRI (Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute), M.K. Bhavnagar University, 2011- 2015
M.Sc.- Environmental Science, Sardar Patel University, 2006-2008
B.Sc.- Environmental Science, Sardar Patel University, 2003- 2006
Research Experience:
At present, my laboratory is focussing on algal biotechnology and synthetic ecology to understand algae-bacteria interactions, amelioration of algal biofuels and natural products beside sustainable algal biomaterials for environmental applications. We are also using multiomics (e.g. metagenomics and metabolomics) for specific application and finding/understanding new interactions.
Postdoctoral research:
April 2019 to July 2019, Research fellow (Postdoc) -University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA.
May 2016 to April 2018, Postdoctoral fellow-Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea.
Involved in 3 projects:
a. Molecular ecology of harmful algal blooms
b. Effects of DOM generated by Tetraselmis cultivation in open floating membrane photobioreactors on microbial food web of the coastal areas
c. Phycospheric engineering for biofuel.
During Ph.D.:
June 2010- July 2015, Research scholar (JRF and SRF, PA III)
CSIR-CSMCRI, Bhavnagar, Gujarat, India.
a.Biofuel from marine microalgae (CSIR- MoES -NMITLI, INDIA). Worked on environmental assessment of biofuel, effects of CO2 on fatty acids, biorefinery and carbon sequestration.
b.Potash Technology to empower the nation (CSIR, INDIA). Worked on bioleaching of potassium from feldspar by halophilic microbes
Post M.Sc.
Sept. 2009- June 2010 Senior Research Fellow
Anand Agricultural University, Gujarat, India.
Effects of air pollution on crop growth (DST, INDIA). Worked on trace gas emission trends and their micrometeorological impacts on crop growth
S. No. | Authors | Title of Article | Journal/Conference Details | Journal/Conference | Publication Year |
1 | Patidar, Shailesh Kumar | Go through the detailed list : | |
Faculty development/ Techological Program/ Refresher/ Orientation | Institution | Duration | Sponsoring Agency |
Winter school (one month) on “Geospatial and GIS technologies “ | ISTAR | 23rd November to 13th December 2015 | NRDMS, DST, GOVT OF INDIA |
Four Weeks Online Induction Training Program For Faculty Members of HEIs | Central University of Rajasthan | 20th Jan to 16th Feb 2021 | Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya Mission on Teachers and Teaching, TLC, CURAJ MINISTRY OF EDUCATION, GOVT OF INDIA |
Two - Week Interdisciplinary REFRESHER COURSE on“ Advanced Research Methodology” | Ramanujan College, University of Delhi | 22 March - 05 April, 2022 | Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi under the aegis of MINISTRY OF EDUCATION PANDIT MADAN MOHAN MALAVIYA NATIONAL MISSION ON TEACHERS AND TEACHING, GOVT OF INDIA |
- Conference papers (Only lead speaker/presenter)
- 1. Patidar, S., Pandey V, Shekh A.M., Karande B.I., and Guled P.M., 2010. Aerosol optical thickness, water vapour and particulate matter interrelationships in polluted and nonpolluted sites. International conference on “Global warming: Agriculture, sustainable development and public leadership”, Ahemdabad, India.
- 2. Patidar, S.K., Mishra S, Han M.S., 2016. Isolation and screening of microalgae for carbon sequestration and its lipid content from polluted West coast of India. International conference on “Life science and Bioengineering (LSBE)”, Kyoto, Japan.
- 3. Patidar, S.K., Kim S.H., Kim J.H., Park J.S., Park B.S., Han, M.S., 2017. Pelagibaca bermudensis promotes biofuel potential of Tetraselmis striata in broad range of abiotic stressors in addition to the release of the HHQ and PQS. “International phycological congress”, Szczecin, Poland.
- 4. Patidar, S.K., Kim J.H., Kim S.H., Joo J.H., Kim J.H., Han M.S., 2018. Implications of quorum sensing precursors in the co-cultivation biofuel production systems. International conference on “Ecology and Resilience Infrastructure”, Kyung Hee University, South Korea.
- 5. Patidar, S.K., Kim S.H., Kim J.H., Park B.S., Han, M.S., 2017. Development of robust co-cultiva t io n model for Tetraselmis striata biomass feedstocks: Possible involvement of quinolones instead of lactones during interactions. International Seminar on “H-HABs”, KIOST, South Korea.
- 6. Patidar, S.K. ,2020. Algae for Food, Energy and Sustainable Environmental Solutions. National webonar on "Algae for Food, Energy and Sustainable Environmental Solutions", Poornima University, Jaipur, India.
- 7. Patidar S. K., 2022. "Potential of HHQ and PQS on algal Lipids and Physcopheric ecology. Annual Congress on Biofuels and Bioenergy". Paris, France.
- 8. Patidar S.K., 2023. "Potential of HHQ and PQS on algal Lipids". National Seminar on "EMERGING TRENDS IN BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES: A NORTH EAST INDIA PERSPECTIVE". NEHU, Shillong, India.
- 9. Patidar S. K., 2023. Ultrasonication for stress mediation of Chlorella sp. and amelioration of biofuel suitable feedstocks. International Conference on Recent Advances in Bio-Energy Research (ICRABR-2023) at SSS-NIBE, Kapurthala, Punjab - 144603, India.
- 10. Patidar, S.K., 2024. Synthetic Ecology and quorum sensing for biofuel production. International conference on Microbial Technologies for sustainable Bioeconomy (IC-MTSB-2024) at CURAJ Kishangarh, Ajmer.
11. Patidar, S.K., 2024. Implications of quorum sensing mechanisms in synthetic ecology inspired models of algae-bacteria and prospective lipid amelioration. 2nd International Symposium on Advances in Algal Research (AAR-2024). jointly organized by IIT Guwahati and JNTU Hyderabad during December 17-18, 2024 at JNTU Hyderabad, India.
- On behalf of the team of Innovation and Startup Cell, Central University of Rajasthan, organized the National Symposium on Startup and Entrepreneurship (NSSE 2024), which held on October 4-5, 2024 as an Organizing Secretary
- Organized invited lectures from distinguished speakers for ISC and Department of Environmental Science
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Dr Shailesh Kumar Patidar | ![]() | |